Revision history for ZhangShihua

Revision [6730]

Last edited on 2013-09-18 10:06:45 by ShihuaZhang
[[ 英文版]]
""<img src="images/users/shzhang.jpg" alt="shihua.jpg" style="float: left; margin: 1.0%; padding: 0.5%;">""
====== 张世华 ======
中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院 副研究员
''地址:'' 北京市海淀区中关村东路55号, 北京 100190, 中国
''电话:'' 86-10-62616670
''邮箱:'' zsh‘a’
张世华副研究员于2008年6月在中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院获得运筹学与控制论专业博士学位,并留所工作至今。主要研究领域为运筹学与生物信息学,目前主要研究兴趣包括计算癌症基因组学、表观遗传学和网络生物学。曾经到美国南加州大学、美国加州大学洛杉矶分校、新加坡国立大学等研究机构访问学习。目前担任国际期刊ISRN Applied Mathematics 和Frontiers in Statistical Genetics and Methodology的编委,以及多个学术会议的程序委员会成员;发起组织“数学、计算机与生命科学交叉研究青年学者论坛”和IEEE ISB会议的Highlight系列,并分别任(共同)主席。曾经荣获2013年度中国科学院卢嘉锡青年人才奖、2010年度全国百篇优秀博士论文奖、2008年度中国科学院院长奖特别奖等;入选“陈景润未来之星”特殊人才计划(2011年)和“中国科学院青年创新促进会”(2011 年),并任数理分会会长。
==={{color fg="white" bg="gray" text="工作经历"}}===
~- 3/2013 - 至今,副研究员。
~~& 中国科学院,[[ 数学与系统科学研究院]] (中国,北京)。
~- 6/2008 - 2/2013,助理研究员。
~~& 中国科学院,[[ 数学与系统科学研究院]] (中国,北京)。
~-7/2008 - 12/2010,博士后。
~~& 南加州大学,生物科学系,[[ 分子与计算分子中心]],(美国,洛杉矶)。
==={{color fg="white" bg="gray" text="教育背景"}}===
~- 9/1999 - 7/2003,应用数学本科,
~~& 云南大学,数理统计学院(中国,昆明)
~- 9/2003 - 6/2008,运筹学与控制论博士(硕博连读),
~~& 中国科学院,[[ 数学与系统科学研究院]] (中国,北京)
==={{color fg="white" bg="gray" text="主要研究兴趣"}}===
~- 生物信息学与系统生物学
~~&Modeling and algorithms for molecular networks
~~&Integrative analysis of molecular networks with other biological data
~~&Algorithms for protein structures comparison and assemblies determination
~~&Modeling and algorithms for integration of multiple 'omic' data
~~&Computational methods for epigenomics
~- 网络科学
~~&Community structure in complex networks
~~&Structure and dynamics of networks
==={{color fg="white" bg="gray" text="主要论文"}}===
~- Discovery of cell-type specific regulatory elements in the human genome by differential chromatin modification analysis.
~~& Chen Chen*,__Shihua Zhang__*^, Xiang-Sun Zhang (*Co-first authors; ^Corresponding author).
~~& In submission.
~- Integrating somatic mutation, copy number variation, and gene expression data to identify mutated core modules in cancers.
~~& Junhua Zhang^, __Shihua Zhang__^, Yong Wang, Xiang-Sun Zhang (^Corresponding author).
~~& BMC Systems Biology, in press.
~- Efficient methods for identifying mutated driver pathways in cancer.
~~& Junfei Zhao*, __Shihua Zhang__*^, Ling-Yun Wu, Xiang-Sun Zhang (*Co-first authors; ^Corresponding author).
~~& Bioinformatics (2012) 28(22): 2940-2947. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/bts564. [[ PDF]]
~- Discovery of multi-dimensional modules by integrative analysis of cancer genomic data.
~~& __Shihua Zhang__, Chun-Chi Liu, Wenyuan Li, Hui Shen, Peter Laird, Xianghong Jasmine Zhou.
~~& Nucleic Acids Research, (2012), 40(19): 9379-9391. doi: 10.1093/nar/gks725. [[ PDF]]
~- Identifying multi-layer gene regulatory modules from multi-dimensional genomic data.
~~& Wenyuan Li*, __Shihua Zhang__*, Chun-Chi Liu, Xianghong Jasmine Zhou (*Co-first authors).
~~& Bioinformatics, (2012), 28(19): 2458-2466. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/bts476. [[ PDF]][[ Materials]]
~- Common community Structure in Time-varying Networks.
~~& __Shihua Zhang__, Junfei Zhao, Xiang-Sun Zhang.
~~& [[ Physical Review E]], 85, 056110, 2012. e-print:[[ arXiv:1111.1365v2]].
~- A novel computational framework for simultaneous integration of multiple functional genomic data to identify microRNA-gene regulatory modules.
~~& __Shihua Zhang__, Qingjiao Li, Juan Liu, Xianghong Jasmine Zhou
~~& Bioinformatics (ISMB2011), 2011, 27:i401-i409. [[ PDF]] [[ Materials]]
~- Exploring the spatial and temporal organization of a cell’s proteome
~~& Martin Beck, Maya Topf, Zachary Frazier, Harianto Tjong, Min Xu, __Shihua Zhang__ and Frank Alber.
~~& Journal of Structural Biology, 2011, 173(3):483-496. [[ PDF]]
~- A fast mathematical programming procedure for simultaneous fitting of assembly components into cryo-EM density maps.
~~& __Shihua Zhang__, Daven Vasishtan, Min Xu, Maya Topf, Frank Alber.
~~& Bioinformatics (ISMB2010), 2010, 26(12):i261-i268. [[ Faculty of 1000 Biology]]
~- Determining modular organization of protein interaction networks by maximizing modularity density.
~~& __Shihua Zhang__, Xue-Mei Ning, Chris Ding, Xiang-Sun Zhang.
~~& BMC Systems Biology, 2010, 4:S10.
~- Detecting disease associated modules and prioritizing active genes based on high throughput data.
~~& Yu-Qing Qiu*, __Shihua Zhang__*, Xiang-Sun Zhang, Luonan Chen (*Co-first authors).
~~& [[ BMC Bioinformatics]], 11:26, 2010. doi:10.1186/1471-2105-11-26. [[ Highly accessed]]
~- Disease-aging network reveals significant roles of aging genes in connecting genetic diseases.
~~& Ji-Guang Wang, __Shihua Zhang__, Yong Wang, Xiang-Sun Zhang, Luonan Chen.
~~& [[ PLoS Computational Biology]], 5(9): e1000521. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000521.
~- Identifying differentially expressed pathways based on a mixed integer linear programming model.
~~& Qiu Yuqing, __Shihua Zhang__, Xiang-Sun Zhang, Luonan Chen.
~~& IET Systems Biology, 3(6), 475-486, 2009.
~- Quantitative function for community detection.
~~& Zhenping Li*, __Shihua Zhang__*, Rui-Sheng Wang, Xiang-Sun Zhang and Luonan Chen (*Co-first authors).
~~&[[ Physical Review E]], 77, 036109, 2008.
~~&It has been selected by [[ Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research]], 15(6), 2008.
~- Biomolecular network querying: a promising approach in systems biology.
~~&__Shihua Zhang__, Xiang-Sun Zhang and Luonan Chen.
~~&[[ BMC Systems Biology]], 2008, 2:5. doi:10.1186/1752-0509-2-5. (Complementary). [[ Highly accessed]]
~- Discovering functions and revealing mechanisms at molecular level from biological networks.
~~&__Shihua Zhang__, Guanxu Jin, Xiang-Sun Zhang and Luonan Chen.
~~&[[ Proteomics]], 7(16), 2856-69, 2007.
~- Alignment of molecular networks by integer quadratic programming.
~~& Zhenping Li*, __Shihua Zhang__*, Yong Wang, Xiang-Sun Zhang and Luonan Chen (*Co-first authors).
~~& [[ Bioinformatics]], [[ 23(13):1631-1639, 2007; doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btm156]].
~- A hybrid graph-theoretic method for mining overlapping functional modules in large sparse protein interaction networks.
~~&__Shihua Zhang__, Hong-Wei Liu, Xue-Mei Ning and Xiang-Sun Zhang.
~~& [[ International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics]], 3(1), 68-84, 2009.
~- Hubs with network motifs organize modularity dynamically in the protein-protein interaction network of yeast.
~~& Guangxu Jin, __Shihua Zhang__, Xiang-Sun Zhang, Luonan Chen
~~& [[ PLoS ONE]] 2(11): e1207, 2007. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0001207.
~-[[ Uncovering fuzzy community structure in complex networks]]
~~&__Shihua Zhang__, Rui-Sheng Wang, Xiang-Sun Zhang
~~&[[ Physical Review E]], 76, 046103, 2007.
~~&It has been selected by [[ Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research]], 14(8), 2007.
~- Graph kernels, hierarchical clustering, network community structure: experiment and comparative analysis.
~~& __Shihua Zhang__, Xue-Mei Ning and Xiang-Sun Zhang.
~~-[[ European Physical Journal B]], 57, 67-74, 2007.
~- Clustering complex networks and biological networks by Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with various similarity measures
~~&Rui-Sheng Wang, __Shihua Zhang__, Yong Wang, Xiang-Sun Zhang, Luonan Chen
~~&[[ Neurocomputing]], 72, 134-141, 2008.
~-[[ Identification of overlapping community structure in complex networks using fuzzy c-means clustering]]
~~& __Shihua Zhang__, Rui-Sheng Wang, and Xiang-Sun Zhang
~~& [[ Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applictions]], 2007, 374, 483–490
~- Detecting community structure in complex networks based on a measure of information discrepancy.
~~& Junhua Zhang, __Shihua Zhang__, Xiang-Sun Zhang
~~& [[ Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applictions]], 2008, 387(7), 1675-1682. [[ doi:10.1016/j.physa.2007.10.061]].
~-[[ Identifying modules in complex networks by a graph-theoretical method and its application in protein interaction networks]]
~~& Rui-Sheng Wang, __Shihua Zhang__, Xiang-Sun Zhang, Luonan Chen
~~& [[ Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence]], 4682, 1090-1101, 2007.
~- Revealing divergent evolution, identifying circular permutations and detecting active-sites by protein structure comparison.
~~& Luonan Chen, Ling-Yun Wu, Yong Wang, __Shihua Zhang__ and Xiang-Sun Zhang.
~~&[[ BMC Structural Biology]], 2006, 6:18. [[ Highly accessed]]
~- Identification of functional modules in a PPI network by clique percolation clustering.
~~& __Shihua Zhang__, Xue-Mei Ning and Xiang-Sun Zhang.
~~& [[ Computational biology and chemistry]], 30(6), 445-451, 2006.
~- Prediction of protein complexes based on protein interaction data and functional annotation data using kernel methods.
~~&__Shihua Zhang__, Xue-Mei Ning, Hong-Wei Liu, and Xiang-Sun Zhang.
~~&[[ Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics]], 4115, 514-524, 2006.
==={{color fg="white" bg="gray" text="主要荣誉和奖励"}}===
~- 中国科学院卢嘉锡青年人才奖,2013。
~- “陈景润未来之星”特殊人才计划,2011。
~- [[ 全国优秀博士论文奖]],2010。
~- [[ 中国科学院长奖特等奖]],2008。
==={{color fg="white" bg="gray" text="科研项目"}}===
~- 国家自然科学基金青年基金(2011——2013)
~- 中国科学院院长奖获得者专项基金(2009——2012)
==={{color fg="white" bg="gray" text="索引和杂志"}}===
~-[[ ISI Web of Knowledge]]
~-[[ EI Engineering Village 2]]
~-[[Journal Journal and Conference Information]]
~-[[;jsessionid=FN2W3vGDLyFn02PN3GTWfKph2vtlMG3LqlhDnB2GdHvLDlVYJXXr!931003289 IEEE Code of Ethics]]
==={{color fg="white" bg="gray" text="信息链接"}}===
~- [[ Bioinformatics]]
~- [[ Matlab toolbox]]
~- [[ Matlab tips and tricks]]
~- [[ CTEX.ORG]]
~- [[ Mathworld]]
~- [[]]
~- [[ Erdös Number]]
~- [[ Complex networks]]
~-[[ Mathematics resource]]
==={{color fg="white" bg="gray" text="格言"}}===
~- 天下兴亡,匹夫有责——顾炎武&梁启超
~-"The whole of science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking." —— Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
~-"In science, the important thing is to modify and change one’s ideas as science advances." —— Herbert Spencer (1820–1903)
~-"The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge." —— Betrand Russell
~-"The difficulty lies, not in the new ideas, but in escaping the old ones, which ramify, for those brought up as most of us have been, into every corner of our minds.." ——John Maynard Keynes (1883 - 1946)
~-"Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving." —— Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
~-"It's not your aptitude but your attitude that determines your altitude in life." —— Jesse Jackson
~-"People can be divided into three classes, the few who make things happen, the many who watch things happen, and the overwhelming majority who have no idea what has happened."

Revision [6573]

Edited on 2013-05-23 09:34:10 by ShihuaZhang
~~& BMC Systems Biology, in press.
~~& Submitted to BMC Systems Biology.

Revision [6572]

Edited on 2013-05-23 09:33:08 by ShihuaZhang
~- 中国科学院卢嘉锡青年人才奖,2013。
~- “陈景润未来之星”特殊人才计划,2011。
~- 入选“陈景润未来之星”特殊人才计划,2011。

Revision [6571]

Edited on 2013-05-23 09:31:28 by ShihuaZhang
~~& Bioinformatics, (2012), 28(19): 2458-2466. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/bts476. [[ PDF]][[ Materials]]
~~& Bioinformatics, (2012), 28(19): 2458-2466. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/bts476. {{files download="" text="Code"}}[[ PDF]][[ Materials]]

Revision [6570]

Edited on 2013-05-23 09:30:12 by ShihuaZhang
~~& In submission.
~~& Bioinformatics (2012) 28(22): 2940-2947. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/bts564. [[ PDF]]
~~& Bioinformatics (ISMB2011), 2011, 27:i401-i409. [[ PDF]] [[ Materials]]
~~& In submission. {{files download="dCMA.rar" text="Code"}}
~~& Bioinformatics (2012) 28(22): 2940-2947. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/bts564. {{files download="MDPFinder.rar" text="Code"}} [[ PDF]]
~~& Bioinformatics (ISMB2011), 2011, 27:i401-i409. {{files download="" text="Code"}} [[ PDF]] [[ Materials]]

Revision [6569]

Edited on 2013-05-23 09:28:18 by ShihuaZhang
~- Discovery of cell-type specific regulatory elements in the human genome by differential chromatin modification analysis.
~~& Chen Chen*,__Shihua Zhang__*^, Xiang-Sun Zhang (*Co-first authors; ^Corresponding author).
~~& In submission. {{files download="dCMA.rar" text="Code"}}
~- Integrating somatic mutation, copy number variation, and gene expression data to identify mutated core modules in cancers.
~~& Junhua Zhang^, __Shihua Zhang__^, Yong Wang, Xiang-Sun Zhang (^Corresponding author).
~~& Submitted to BMC Systems Biology.
~- Efficient methods for identifying mutated driver pathways in cancer.
~~& Junfei Zhao*, __Shihua Zhang__*^, Ling-Yun Wu, Xiang-Sun Zhang (*Co-first authors; ^Corresponding author).
~~& Bioinformatics (2012) 28(22): 2940-2947. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/bts564. {{files download="MDPFinder.rar" text="Code"}} [[ PDF]]
~- Discovery of multi-dimensional modules by integrative analysis of cancer genomic data.
~~& Nucleic Acids Research, (2012), 40(19): 9379-9391. doi: 10.1093/nar/gks725. [[ PDF]]
~- Identifying multi-layer gene regulatory modules from multi-dimensional genomic data.
~~& Bioinformatics, (2012), 28(19): 2458-2466. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/bts476. {{files download="" text="Code"}}[[ PDF]][[ Materials]]
~- Common community Structure in Time-varying Networks.
~~& __Shihua Zhang__, Junfei Zhao, Xiang-Sun Zhang.
~~& [[ Physical Review E]], 85, 056110, 2012. e-print:[[ arXiv:1111.1365v2]].
~~& Bioinformatics (ISMB2011), 2011, 27:i401-i409. {{files download="" text="Code"}} [[ PDF]] [[ Materials]]
~~& Journal of Structural Biology, 2011, 173(3):483-496. [[ PDF]]
~1) A joint matrix factorization framework for the integrative analysis of multi-dimensional genomic data.
~~& In submission.
~~& Bioinformatics (ISMB2011), 2011, xxx:ixxx-ixxx. In press.
~- Discovering multi-dimensional regulatory modules by a sparse multi-block partial least square regression method
~~& In submission.
~~& Journal of Structural Biology, in press. [ PDF]

Revision [6568]

Edited on 2013-05-23 09:26:27 by ShihuaZhang
张世华副研究员于2008年6月在中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院获得运筹学与控制论专业博士学位,并留所工作至今。主要研究领域为运筹学与生物信息学,目前主要研究兴趣包括计算癌症基因组学、表观遗传学和网络生物学。曾经到美国南加州大学、美国加州大学洛杉矶分校、新加坡国立大学等研究机构访问学习。目前担任国际期刊ISRN Applied Mathematics 和Frontiers in Statistical Genetics and Methodology的编委,以及多个学术会议的程序委员会成员;发起组织“数学、计算机与生命科学交叉研究青年学者论坛”和IEEE ISB会议的Highlight系列,并分别任(共同)主席。曾经荣获2013年度中国科学院卢嘉锡青年人才奖、2010年度全国百篇优秀博士论文奖、2008年度中国科学院院长奖特别奖等;入选“陈景润未来之星”特殊人才计划(2011年)和“中国科学院青年创新促进会”(2011 年),并任数理分会会长。
Shihua Zhang was born on May, 1980 in Shandong Province, China. Now he is Assistant Professor of the Institute of Applied Mathematics, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, at CAS. His interests are within Bioinformatics and Systems Biology, particularly in Biological network-related issues. He has published over 20 technical papers in the refereed journals and conference proceedings such as in Proteomics, Bioinformatics, PLoS Comput. Bio., Plos ONE, Computational Biology and Chemistry, BMC Structural Biology, Physical Review E, European Physical Journal B, Physica A.

Revision [6567]

Edited on 2013-05-23 09:24:34 by ShihuaZhang
中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院 副研究员
''电话:'' 86-10-62616670
''邮箱:'' zsh‘a’
~- 3/2013 - 至今,副研究员。
~- 6/2008 - 2/2013,助理研究员。
中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院 助理研究员
''电话:'' 86-10-62571860
~- 6/2008 - 至今,助理研究员。

Revision [5664]

Edited on 2011-11-01 14:12:16 by ShihuaZhang
Shihua Zhang was born on May, 1980 in Shandong Province, China. Now he is Assistant Professor of the Institute of Applied Mathematics, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, at CAS. His interests are within Bioinformatics and Systems Biology, particularly in Biological network-related issues. He has published over 20 technical papers in the refereed journals and conference proceedings such as in Proteomics, Bioinformatics, PLoS Comput. Bio., Plos ONE, Computational Biology and Chemistry, BMC Structural Biology, Physical Review E, European Physical Journal B, Physica A.
Shihua Zhang was born on May, 1980 in Shandong Province, China. Now he is Assistant Professor of the Institute of Applied Mathematics, [[ Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science]], at CAS. His interests are within Bioinformatics and Systems Biology, particularly in Biological network-related issues. He has published over 20 technical papers in the refereed journals and conference proceedings such as in Proteomics, Bioinformatics, PLoS Comput. Bio., Plos ONE, Computational Biology and Chemistry, BMC Structural Biology, Physical Review E, European Physical Journal B, Physica A.

Revision [5202]

Edited on 2011-03-19 21:54:36 by ShihuaZhang

No Differences

Revision [5201]

Edited on 2011-03-19 21:54:00 by ShihuaZhang
~~& Bioinformatics (ISMB2011), 2011, xxx:ixxx-ixxx. In press.
~~& Wenyuan Li*, __Shihua Zhang__*, Chun-Chi Liu, Xianghong Jasmine Zhou (*Co-first authors).
~~& Wenyuan Li*, __Shihua Zhang__*, Chun-Chi Liu, Xianghong Jasmine Zhou

Revision [5180]

Edited on 2011-03-09 17:12:01 by ShihuaZhang
~~& __Shihua Zhang__, Chun-Chi Liu, Wenyuan Li, Hui Shen, Peter Laird, Xianghong Jasmine Zhou.
~~& __Shihua Zhang__, Chun-Chi Liu, Wenyuan Li, xxxxx xxxx, xxxx xxxx, Xianghong Jasmine Zhou.
~~& In preparation.

Revision [5126]

Edited on 2011-01-21 13:54:51 by ShihuaZhang
~- [[ 全国优秀博士论文奖]],2010。
~- [[ 全国优秀博士论文奖]],2010。

Revision [5122]

Edited on 2011-01-18 10:27:16 by ShihuaZhang

No Differences

Revision [5121]

Edited on 2011-01-18 10:26:22 by ShihuaZhang
~- 国家自然科学基金青年基金(2011——2013)
~- 中国科学院院长奖获得者专项基金(2009——2012)
~-Research on Some Important Problems in Bioinformatics (2005-2008)
~~& Important Direction Research Grant, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Joint Investigator.
~- Research on Models and Algorithms of Haplotype Inference Problem in Bioinformatics (2006-2008).
~~& National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Grant No. 60503004, Joint Inverstigator
~-Research on theory and algorithms of community detection in complex networks (2008-2010)
~~& National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Grant No. 10701080, Joint Investigator

Revision [5120]

Edited on 2011-01-18 10:15:52 by ShihuaZhang
[[ 英文版]]
[[ 英文版]]

Revision [5119]

Edited on 2011-01-18 10:11:17 by ShihuaZhang
==={{color fg="white" bg="gray" text="主要研究兴趣"}}===
==={{color fg="white" bg="gray" text="Research Interests"}}===

Revision [5118]

Edited on 2011-01-18 10:10:36 by ShihuaZhang
~- 天下兴亡,匹夫有责——顾炎武&梁启超
~- "天下兴亡,匹夫有责——顾炎武&梁启超

Revision [5117]

Edited on 2011-01-18 10:10:09 by ShihuaZhang
==={{color fg="white" bg="gray" text="索引和杂志"}}===
==={{color fg="white" bg="gray" text="Index and Journals"}}===

Revision [5116]

Edited on 2011-01-18 10:09:12 by ShihuaZhang
~- "天下兴亡,匹夫有责——顾炎武&梁启超

Revision [5115]

Edited on 2011-01-18 10:05:03 by ShihuaZhang
==={{color fg="white" bg="gray" text="教育背景"}}===
~- 9/1999 - 7/2003,应用数学本科,
~~& 云南大学,数理统计学院(中国,昆明)
~- 9/2003 - 6/2008,运筹学与控制论博士(硕博连读),
~~& 中国科学院,[[ 数学与系统科学研究院]] (中国,北京)
~- 生物信息学与系统生物学
~- 网络科学
==={{color fg="white" bg="gray" text="主要论文"}}===
==={{color fg="white" bg="gray" text="主要荣誉和奖励"}}===
~- 入选“陈景润未来之星”特殊人才计划,2011。
~- [[ 全国优秀博士论文奖]],2010。
~- [[ 中国科学院长奖特等奖]],2008。
==={{color fg="white" bg="gray" text="科研项目"}}===
==={{color fg="white" bg="gray" text="信息链接"}}===
==={{color fg="white" bg="gray" text="格言"}}===
==={{color fg="white" bg="gray" text="Educational Background"}}===
~- 9/1999 - 7/2003, Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics,
~~& School of Mathematics and Statistics, Yunnan University (Kunming, Yunnan, China)
~- 9/2003 - 6/2008, PhD of Operational Research and Control (PhD-direct student),
~~& [[ Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science]], Chinese Academy of Science (Beijing, China)
~-Bioinformatics/Systems Biology
~-Complex networks/Network science
==={{color fg="white" bg="gray" text="Selected Publications"}}===
==={{color fg="white" bg="gray" text="Selected Honors and Awards"}}===
~- [[ Excellent PhD thesis Award of Chinese Academy of Science]], 2009.
~- [[ Top Grade Presidential Award of Chinese Academy of Science]], 2008.
~- BHPB Scholarship of Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Science, 2007.
~- Baojie Excellent PhD student Scholarship of Chinese Academy of Science, 2007.
~- Baogang Scholarship, 2003.
==={{color fg="white" bg="gray" text="Research Projects"}}===
==={{color fg="white" bg="gray" text="Useful links"}}===
==={{color fg="white" bg="gray" text="Aphorism"}}===

Revision [5114]

Edited on 2011-01-18 09:52:33 by ShihuaZhang
==={{color fg="white" bg="gray" text="工作经历"}}===
~- 6/2008 - 至今,助理研究员。
~~& 中国科学院,[[ 数学与系统科学研究院]] (中国,北京)。
~-7/2008 - 12/2010,博士后。
~~& 南加州大学,生物科学系,[[ 分子与计算分子中心]],(美国,洛杉矶)。
==={{color fg="white" bg="gray" text="Positions"}}===
~- 6/2008 - present, Assistant Professor.
~~& [[ Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science]], Chinese Academy of Science (Beijing, China).
~-7/2008 - 12/2010, Postdoctoral Fellow.
~~&[[ Program in Molecular and Computational Biology]], Department of Biological Sciences, University of Southern California (Los Angeles, USA).

Revision [5113]

Edited on 2011-01-18 09:48:28 by ShihuaZhang
中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院 助理研究员
''地址:'' 北京市海淀区中关村东路55号, 北京 100190, 中国
''电话:'' 86-10-62571860
Assistant Professor of Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS
''Address:'' No.55, Zhongguancun East road, Beijing 100190, China
''Tel:'' 86-10-62571860

Revision [5111]

Edited on 2011-01-18 08:18:16 by ShihuaZhang
[[ 英文版]]
====== 张世华 ======
====== 张世华 [[ 英文版]]======

Revision [5110]

Edited on 2011-01-18 08:16:16 by ShihuaZhang
====== 张世华 [[ 英文版]]======
====== Shihua Zhang ======
====== 张世华 ======

Revision [5101]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2011-01-18 08:06:44 by ShihuaZhang
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