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===={{color c="green" text="Meng Zou"}}====

PHD candidate
Academy of Mathematics & Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Address : Zhongguancun East Road No.55, , HaiDian District, Beijing 100080, China
Tel : 15501271045
Email :

=== {{color c="green" text="Background"}} ===

**2007,9~2011,7 -- B.S.** ****---**[[ School of Mathematical Sciences, DaLian University of Technology]]---**
**2011,9~ now -- Ph.D.** ---**[[ Applied Mathematics, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Science]]---**

=== {{color c="green" text="Hobbies"}} ===

~- Reading, Writing

~-Badminton, swimming, jogging

=== {{color c="green" text="Honors"}} ===

~- The Presidential Outstanding Research Scholarship of Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Science, 2014

~- Merit student of Chinese Academy of Science, 2011-2012

~- The Presidential Outstanding Graduates of School of Mathematical Sciences, DaLian University of Technology, 2011

~- The Presidential Second-Class Scholarship of School of Mathematical Sciences, DaLian University of Technology, 2007-2010.

=== {{color c="green" text="Research Interests"}} ===

~- Cancer Genomics and Next Generation Sequencing
~- Early Detection and Precision Medicine
~- Optimization and Algorithm Design
~- Machine Learning and Data Mining

=== {{color c="green" text="Publications"}} ===

~1) **[[ Meng Zou]]**, Zhaoqi Liu, Xiang-Sun Zhang and Yong Wang. ---**[[ NCC-AUC:an AUC optimization method to identify multi-biomarker panel for cancer prognosis from genomic and clinical data.]]---** Bioinformatics (2015).

~2) **[[ Meng Zou]]**, Peng-Jun Zhang, Xin-Yu Wen, Luonan Chen, Ya-Ping Tian, Yong Wang. ---**[[ A novel mixed integer programming for multi-biomarker panel identification by distinguishing malignant from benign colorectal tumors.]]---** Methods, 2015, 83: 3-17.

~3) Pengjun Zhang, **[[ Meng Zou]]** **(co-first)**, Xinyu Wen, Feng Gu, Juan Li, Gaixia Liu, Jingxiao Dong, Xinxin Deng, Jing Gao, Xiaolong Li, Xingwang Jia, Zhennan Dong, Luonan Chen, Yong Wang and Yaping Tian. ---**[[ Development of serum parameters panels for the early detection of pancreatic cancer.]]---** International Journal of Cancer, 2014, 134(11): 2646-2655.

~4) Wenjun Mou, Zhaoqi Liu, Yuan Luo, **[[ Meng Zou]]**, Chao Ren, Chunyan Zhang, Xinyu Wen, Yong Wang, Yaping Tian. ---**[[ Development and cross-validation of prognostic models to assess the treatment effect of cisplatin/pemetrexed chemotherapy in lung adenocarcinoma patients.]]---** Medical Oncology, 2014, 31(9): 1-9.

=== {{color c="green" text="Softwares"}}===

~- [[ NCC-AUC: Nearest Centriod Classifier for AUC valuation ]]
~- [[ MILP_k: Mixed Integer Linear Programming for multiple-biomarker panel identification]]

=== {{color c="green" text="Links"}} ===
~- [[ Nature]] | [[ Science]] | [[ PNAS]]
~- [[ ISI Web of Knowledge]] | [[ PubMed]]
~- [[ Supervisor]] | [[ Supervisor's Homepage in GUCAS]]|[[ Chen Lab]]
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