Revision history for JinshanLi

Revision [2368]

Last edited on 2006-12-29 15:33:39 by JinshanLi

No Differences

Revision [2353]

Edited on 2006-12-23 01:18:54 by JinshanLi
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Liu Hongwei,Wang Mingjie,"}} Li Jinshan {{colour c="green" text=" ,Zhang Xiangsun,"}} {{colour c="green" text="Global convergence of the non-quasi-newton method for unconstrained optimization problem. Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ. Ser. B 2006, 21(3): 276-288."}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Liu Hongwei,Wang Mingjie"}} Li, Jinshan {{colour c="green" text=" Zhang Xiangsun,"}} {{colour c="green" text="Global convergence of the non-quasi-newton method for unconstrained optimization problem. Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ. Ser. B 2006, 21(3): 276-288."}}

Revision [2352]

Edited on 2006-12-23 01:17:51 by JinshanLi
==={{colour c="green" text="Teacher in"}}===
==={{colour c="green" text="Teacher"}}===

Revision [2351]

Edited on 2006-12-23 01:17:13 by JinshanLi
Liu Hongwei, Wang Mingjie, Li Jinshan, Zhang Xiangsun. Global convergence of the non-quasi-newton method for unconstrained optimization problem. Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ. Ser. B 2006, 21(3): 276-288

Revision [2350]

Edited on 2006-12-23 01:16:12 by JinshanLi
==={{colour c="green" text="Teacher"}}===
~- Jin-shan Li {{colour c="green" text="& Xiang-sun Zhang, An Optimization Model for Achieving Aparsity of Gene Regulatory Networks, The Sixth International Symposium on Operations Research and Its application(ISORA'06), Xinjiang, China, August 8-12, 2006. World Publishing Corporation, 2006, pp.368-379."}}
==={{colour c="green" text="Teacher, Lector"}}===
~- Jin-shan Li{{colour c="green" text="& Xiang-sun Zhang, An Optimization Model for Achieving Aparsity of Gene Regulatory Networks, The Sixth International Symposium on Operations Research and Its application(ISORA'06), Xinjiang, China, August 8-12, 2006. World Publishing Corporation, 2006, pp.368-379."}}

Revision [2349]

Edited on 2006-12-23 01:15:16 by JinshanLi
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Liu Hongwei,Wang Mingjie"}} Li, Jinshan {{colour c="green" text=" Zhang Xiangsun,"}} {{colour c="green" text="Global convergence of the non-quasi-newton method for unconstrained optimization problem. Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ. Ser. B 2006, 21(3): 276-288."}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Liu Hongwei,Wang Mingjie"}} Li, Jinshan {{colour c="green" text=" Zhang Xiangsun"}} {{colour c="green" text="Global convergence of the non-quasi-newton method for unconstrained optimization problem. Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ. Ser. B 2006, 21(3): 276-288."}}

Revision [2348]

Edited on 2006-12-23 01:14:34 by JinshanLi
Liu Hongwei, Wang Mingjie, Li Jinshan, Zhang Xiangsun. Global convergence of the non-quasi-newton method for unconstrained optimization problem. Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ. Ser. B 2006, 21(3): 276-288
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Liu Hongwei,Wang Mingjie"}} Li, Jinshan {{colour c="green" text=" Zhang Xiangsun"}} {{colour c="green" text="Global convergence of the non-quasi-newton method for unconstrained optimization problem. Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ. Ser. B 2006, 21(3): 276-288."}}
~- Jin-shan Li{{colour c="green" text="& Xiang-sun Zhang, An Optimization Model for Achieving Aparsity of Gene Regulatory Networks, The Sixth International Symposium on Operations Research and Its application(ISORA'06), Xinjiang, China, August 8-12, 2006. World Publishing Corporation, 2006, pp.368-379."}}
~- Jin-shan Li{{colour c="green" text="& Xiang-sun Zhang, An Optimization Model for Achieving Aparsity of Gene Regulatory Networks, The Sixth International Symposium on Operations Research and Its application(ISORA'06), Xinjiang, China, August 8-12, 2006. World Publishing Corporation, pp.368-379, 2005."}}

Revision [2347]

Edited on 2006-12-23 01:07:41 by JinshanLi
~- Jin-shan Li{{colour c="green" text="& Xiang-sun Zhang, An Optimization Model for Achieving Aparsity of Gene Regulatory Networks, The Sixth International Symposium on Operations Research and Its application(ISORA'06), Xinjiang, China, August 8-12, 2006. World Publishing Corporation, pp.368-379, 2005."}}

Revision [2346]

Edited on 2006-12-23 00:46:20 by JinshanLi

No Differences

Revision [2345]

Edited on 2006-12-23 00:44:32 by JinshanLi
{{colour c="green" text=" J. SH. Li was born on 13th, Jan., 1970 in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei province . He received his B.S. Degrees from Department of Mathematics, Hebei Normal College, and his M.S. degree from "}}[[ College of Mathematics & Information Science]], [[ Hebei Normal University]]. {{colour c="green" text=" After his graduation in 7, 1997, he have been working in the same college, Hebei University as a teacher. In 2002, He came into College of Economic & Management, Tsinghua University as a visting scholar for reserch in mathematics and finance. In sep. 2003, he become a Ph.D. candidate in Econometrics, School of Economics, Renmin University of China. Now he is a mathematics teacher at College of Science, Beijing Forest University."}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" lector, 2006,7 ~ now, College of Science, Beijing Forest University"}}
{{colour c="green" text=" J. SH. Li was born on 13th, Jan., 1970 in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei province . He received his B.S. Degrees from Department of Mathematics, Hebei Normal College, and his M.S. degree from "}}[[ College of Mathematics & Information Science]], [[ Hebei Normal University]]. {{colour c="green" text=" After his graduation in 7, 1997, he have been working in the same college, Hebei University as a teacher. In 2002, He came into College of Economic & Management, Tsinghua University as a visting scholar for reserch in mathematics and finance. In sep. 2003, he become a Ph.D. candidate in Econometrics, Information School, Renmin University of China."}}

Revision [2344]

Edited on 2006-12-23 00:38:47 by JinshanLi
''Email:'' """"
''Email:'' ""<a href=""></a>""

Revision [2343]

Edited on 2006-12-23 00:36:19 by JinshanLi
==={{colour c="green" text="Teacher, Lector"}}===
''Tel:'' {{colour c="green" text=" 86-10-83626511"}}
==={{colour c="green" text="Teacher"}}===
''Tel:'' {{colour c="green" text=" 86-10-62517989 "}}

Revision [2342]

Edited on 2006-12-23 00:33:48 by JinshanLi
[[http:// College of Science, ]][[ Beijing Forest University]], {{colour c="green" text=" Tsinghua eastern street, Haidian District, Beijing 100083, China"}}
[[http:// College of Science]][[ Beijing Forest University]], {{colour c="green" text=" Tsinghua eastern street, Haidian District, Beijing 100083, China"}}

Revision [2341]

Edited on 2006-12-23 00:32:58 by JinshanLi
[[http:// College of Science]][[ Beijing Forest University]], {{colour c="green" text=" Tsinghua eastern street, Haidian District, Beijing 100083, China"}}
[[http:// College of Science]][[ Beijing Forest University]], {{colour c="green" text=" Tsinghua eastern street, Haidian District, Beijing 100083, China"}}

Revision [2340]

Edited on 2006-12-23 00:32:09 by JinshanLi
==={{colour c="green" text="Teacher"}}===
====={{colour c="green" text="College of Science, "}} {{colour c="green" text="Beijing Forest University"}} =====
===={{colour c="green" text="北京林业大学理学院教师"}}====
[[http:// College of Science]][[ Beijing Forest University]], {{colour c="green" text=" Tsinghua eastern street, Haidian District, Beijing 100083, China"}}
==={{colour c="green" text="Ph.D. Candidate "}}===
====={{colour c="green" text="School of Information, "}} {{colour c="green" text="Renmin University of China"}} =====
===={{colour c="green" text="中国人民大学信息学院博士研究生"}}====
[[ school of Information]][[ Renmin University of China]], {{colour c="green" text=" Beijing 100872, China"}}

Revision [1232]

Edited on 2005-10-27 17:24:38 by LingyunWu
""<img src="images/users/li.jpg" alt="Jin-shan Li" style="float: left; margin: 1.0%; padding: 0.5%;">""
""<img src="uploads/UserImages/li.jpg" alt="Jin-shan Li" style="float: left; margin: 1.0%; padding: 0.5%;">""

Revision [1195]

Edited on 2005-10-21 11:00:12 by JinshanLi
~- Li, Jinshan{{colour c="green" text=" , On characteristic of best approximation of Set-valued mapping (Chinese), J. Hebei Norm. colle. Nat. Sci. (1997), no. 3."}}
~- Li, Jinshan{{colour c="green" text=" , characteristic of best approximation for Set-valued mapping (Chinese), J. Hebei Norm. colle. Nat. Sci. (1997), no. 3."}}

Revision [1165]

Edited on 2005-10-14 19:42:39 by JinshanLi

No Differences

Revision [1164]

Edited on 2005-10-14 19:42:21 by JinshanLi
""<img scr="upload/UserImages/rdt1.jpg" alt="Jin-shan Li" style="float; right; margin: 2.0%; padding: 0.5%;">""

Revision [1163]

Edited on 2005-10-14 19:41:50 by JinshanLi
""<img scr="upload/UserImages/rdt1.jpg" alt="Jin-shan Li" style="float; right; margin: 2.0%; padding: 0.5%;">""
""<img scr="upload/UserImages/rdt1.jpg" alt="Jin-shan Li" style="float: right; margin: 2.0%; padding: 0.5%;">""

Revision [1162]

Edited on 2005-10-14 19:41:28 by JinshanLi
""<img scr="upload/UserImages/rdt1.jpg" alt="Jin-shan Li" style="float: right; margin: 2.0%; padding: 0.5%;">""
""<img scr="upload/UserImages/rdt1.jpg"alt="Jin-shan Li" style="float: right; margin: 1.0%; padding: 0.5%;">""

Revision [1161]

Edited on 2005-10-14 19:40:28 by JinshanLi
""<img scr="upload/UserImages/rdt1.jpg"alt="Jin-shan Li" style="float: right; margin: 1.0%; padding: 0.5%;">""
""<img scr="upload/UserImages/li.jpg"alt="rdt1.gif" style="float: right; margin: 1.0%; padding: 0.5%;">""

Revision [1160]

Edited on 2005-10-14 19:38:42 by JinshanLi
""<img scr="upload/UserImages/li.jpg"alt="rdt1.gif" style="float: right; margin: 1.0%; padding: 0.5%;">""
""<img scr="upload/UserImages/li.jpg"alt="rdt.gif" style="float: right; margin: 1.0%; padding: 0.5%;">""

Revision [1159]

Edited on 2005-10-14 19:35:15 by JinshanLi
""<img scr="upload/UserImages/li.jpg"alt="rdt.gif" style="float: right; margin: 1.0%; padding: 0.5%;">""
""<img scr="upload/UserImages/li.jpg"alt="rdt" style="float: right; margin: 1.0%; padding: 0.5%;">""

Revision [1158]

Edited on 2005-10-14 19:34:43 by JinshanLi
""<img scr="upload/UserImages/li.jpg"alt="rdt" style="float: right; margin: 1.0%; padding: 0.5%;">""
{{image class="right" alt="DVD logo" title="人民大学图标" url="images/dvdvideo.gif" link="RecentChanges"}}

Revision [1157]

Edited on 2005-10-14 19:30:12 by JinshanLi
{{image class="right" alt="DVD logo" title="人民大学图标" url="images/dvdvideo.gif" link="RecentChanges"}}
{{image class="center" alt="DVD logo" title="An Image Link" url="images/dvdvideo.gif" link="RecentChanges"}}

Revision [1156]

Edited on 2005-10-14 19:11:05 by JinshanLi
{{image class="center" alt="DVD logo" title="An Image Link" url="images/dvdvideo.gif" link="RecentChanges"}}

Revision [1155]

Edited on 2005-10-14 17:38:00 by JinshanLi
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Detection of repeating pattern in genomic sequence"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" A Model for Protein's Tertiary Structure Prediction"}}

Revision [1154]

Edited on 2005-10-13 13:14:06 by JinshanLi
~- Li, Jinshan{{colour c="green" text=" , characteristic of best approximation for Set-valued mapping (Chinese), J. Hebei Norm. colle. Nat. Sci. (1997), no. 3."}}
~- Li, Jinshan{{colour c="green" text=" , characteristic of best approximation for Set-valued mapping (Chinese), J. Hebei Norm. colle. Nat. Sci. Ed. 23 (1997), no. 3."}}

Revision [1153]

Edited on 2005-10-13 13:07:57 by JinshanLi
~- Li, Jinshan{{colour c="green" text=" , characteristic of best approximation for Set-valued mapping (Chinese), J. Hebei Norm. colle. Nat. Sci. Ed. 23 (1997), no. 3."}}

Revision [1096]

Edited on 2005-09-19 12:11:15 by JinshanLi
~- Li Jinshan{{colour c="green" text=" , Liu Hongwei & Wang Shuping, Application of Support Vector Machine to Evaluation of Technic (Chinese), 'Study on Technic Trading and Pricing', China Economic Publishing House, pp.110-121, sept., 2005."}}
~- Li Jinshan{{colour c="green" text=" , Liu Hongwei & Wang Shuping, Application of Support Vector Machine to Evaluation of Technic (Chinese), Chinese Economics Press, sept., 2005."}}

Revision [1095]

Edited on 2005-09-19 12:08:50 by JinshanLi
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Gao Yuzhuo,"}} Li Jinshan {{colour c="green" text="& Feng min, An Analysis on Capital Property in Technic of Middle and Small Business(Chinese), 'Study on Technic Trading and Pricing', China Economic Publishing House, pp.101-109, sept., 2005."}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Gao Yuzhuo,"}} Li Jinshan {{colour c="green" text="& Feng min, An Analysis on Capital Property in Technic of Middle and Small Business(Chinese), "Study on Technic Trading and Pricing", China Economic Publishing House, pp.101-109, sept., 2005."}}

Revision [1094]

Edited on 2005-09-19 12:07:12 by JinshanLi
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Gao Yuzhuo,"}} Li Jinshan {{colour c="green" text="& Feng min, An Analysis on Capital Property in Technic of Middle and Small Business(Chinese), "Study on Technic Trading and Pricing", China Economic Publishing House, pp.101-109, sept., 2005."}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Wang ShuPing,"}} Li Jinshan {{colour c="green" text="& Feng min, An Analysis on Capital Property in Technic of Middle and Small Business(Chinese), Chinese Economics Press, sept., 2005."}}

Revision [1026]

Edited on 2005-09-16 16:44:56 by ShihuaZhang
==={{colour c="green" text=" Links"}} ===
[[ Bioinformatics]]
[[ Matlab toolbox]]
[[ Mathworld]]

Revision [976]

Edited on 2005-09-16 08:50:29 by LingyunWu
[[ Bioinformatics]]
[[ Matlab toolbox]]
[[ Mathworld]]
[ Bioinformatics]]
[ Matlab toolbox]]
[ Mathworld]]

Revision [952]

Edited on 2005-09-15 23:37:00 by ShihuaZhang
[ Bioinformatics]]
[ Matlab toolbox]]
[ Mathworld]]
[[ Bioinformatics]]
[[ Matlab toolbox]]
[[ Mathworld]]

Revision [951]

Edited on 2005-09-15 23:36:48 by ShihuaZhang
[[ Bioinformatics]]
[[ Matlab toolbox]]
[[ Mathworld]]
- [[ Bioinformatics]]
- [[ Matlab toolbox]]
- [[ CTEX.ORG]]
- [[ Mathworld]]

Revision [950]

Edited on 2005-09-15 23:36:26 by ShihuaZhang
- [[ Bioinformatics]]
- [[ Matlab toolbox]]
- [[ CTEX.ORG]]
- [[ Mathworld]]
%~- [[ Bioinformatics]]
%~- [[ Matlab toolbox]]
%~- [[ CTEX.ORG]]
%~- [[ Mathworld]]

Revision [949]

Edited on 2005-09-15 23:36:06 by ShihuaZhang
%~- [[ Bioinformatics]]
%~- [[ Matlab toolbox]]
%~- [[ CTEX.ORG]]
%~- [[ Mathworld]]
~- [[ Bioinformatics]]
~- [[ Matlab toolbox]]
~- [[ CTEX.ORG]]
~- [[ Mathworld]]

Revision [861]

Edited on 2005-09-01 23:33:26 by JinshanLi
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Wang ShuPing,"}} Li Jinshan {{colour c="green" text="& Feng min, An Analysis on Capital Property in Technic of Middle and Small Business(Chinese), Chinese Economics Press, sept., 2005."}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Wang ShuPing,"}} Li Jinshan {{colour c="green" text="& Feng min, An Analysis on Capital Property of Technic of Middle and Small Business(Chinese), Chinese Economics Press, sept., 2005."}}

Revision [860]

Edited on 2005-09-01 23:16:45 by JinshanLi
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Wang ShuPing,"}} Li Jinshan {{colour c="green" text="& Feng min, An Analysis on Capital Property of Technic of Middle and Small Business(Chinese), Chinese Economics Press, sept., 2005."}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Wang ShuPing,"}} Li Jinshan{{colour c="green" text="& Feng min, An Analysis on Capital Property of Technic of Middle and Small Business(Chinese), Chinese Economics Press, sept., 2005."}}

Revision [859]

Edited on 2005-09-01 23:14:04 by JinshanLi
~- Li Jinshan{{colour c="green" text=" , Liu Hongwei & Wang Shuping, Application of Support Vector Machine to Evaluation of Technic (Chinese), Chinese Economics Press, sept., 2005."}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Wang ShuPing,"}} Li Jinshan{{colour c="green" text="& Feng min, An Analysis on Capital Property of Technic of Middle and Small Business(Chinese), Chinese Economics Press, sept., 2005."}}

Revision [858]

Edited on 2005-09-01 22:54:51 by JinshanLi


Revision [857]

Edited on 2005-09-01 22:36:42 by JinshanLi
==={{colour c="green" text=" Links"}} ===
=== Links ===

Revision [856]

Edited on 2005-09-01 22:35:51 by JinshanLi
=== Links ===
~- [[ Bioinformatics]]
~- [[ Matlab toolbox]]
~- [[ CTEX.ORG]]
~- [[ Mathworld]]

Revision [854]

Edited on 2005-08-19 15:49:32 by JinshanLi
~- Li Jinshan{{colour c="green" text=" , Wang ShuPing, Gao YUzhuo & Liu Hongwei, Stock Strategy in Lean-retailing Environment(Chinese), Chinese Journal of Management Science, Spec., 2005."}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Wang ShuPing,"}} Li Jinshan{{colour c="green" text=" , Li Jian-ping & Chen Jian-ming, An analysis about war's grading effect on international oil price(Chinese), Chinese Journal of Management Science, Spec., 2005."}}
~- Li Jinshan{{colour c="green" text=" , Wang ShuPing, Gao YUzhuo & Liu Hongwei, Stock Strategy in Lean-retailing Environment(Chinese), Chinese Journal of Management Science, Special, 2005."}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Wang ShuPing,"}} Li Jinshan{{colour c="green" text=" , Li Jian-ping & Chen Jian-ming, An analysis about war's grading effect on international oil price(Chinese), Chinese Journal of Management Science, Special, 2005."}}

Revision [853]

Edited on 2005-08-19 15:47:20 by JinshanLi
~- Li Jinshan{{colour c="green" text=" , Wang ShuPing, Gao YUzhuo & Liu Hongwei, Stock Strategy in Lean-retailing Environment(Chinese), Chinese Journal of Management Science, Special, 2005."}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Wang ShuPing,"}} Li Jinshan{{colour c="green" text=" , Li Jian-ping & Chen Jian-ming, An analysis about war's grading effect on international oil price(Chinese), Chinese Journal of Management Science, Special, 2005."}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Li Jinshan, Wang ShuPing, Gao YUzhuo & Liu Hongwei, Stock Strategy in Lean-retailing Environment(Chinese), Chinese Journal of Management Science, Special, 2005."}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Wang ShuPing, Li Jinshan, Li Jian-ping & Chen Jian-ming, An analysis about war's grading effect on international oil price(Chinese), Chinese Journal of Management Science, Special, 2005."}}

Revision [852]

Edited on 2005-08-19 15:46:04 by JinshanLi
~- Li, Jin Shan {{colour c="green" text=" and Gao, Yu Zhuo, Compact simultaneous approximation in Banach spaces (Chinese), J. Hebei Norm. Univ. Nat. Sci. Ed. 25 (2001), no. 3, 296--298; MR1864454"}}
~- Li, Jin Shan {{colour c="green" text=" and Yang, Hong Qiang, Uniqueness for simultaneous approximation in Banach spaces (Chinese), J. Hebei Norm. Univ. Nat. Sci. Ed. 24 (2000), no. 4, 434--435; MR1821152"}}
~- Li, Jin Shan {{colour c="green" text=" and Yang, Hong Qiang, Uniqueness of simultaneous approximation for set-valued mappings (Chinese), J. Hebei Norm. Univ. Nat. Sci. Ed. 24 (2000), no. 1, 11--13; MR1785132"}}
~- Li, Jin Shan{{colour c="green" text=" , The Papini characteristic of best simultaneous approximation (Chinese), J. Hebei Norm. Univ. Nat. Sci. Ed. 23 (1999), no. 3, 325--328; MR1786229 (2001h:41027)"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Li, Jin Shan and Gao, Yu Zhuo, Compact simultaneous approximation in Banach spaces (Chinese), J. Hebei Norm. Univ. Nat. Sci. Ed. 25 (2001), no. 3, 296--298; MR1864454"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Li, Jin Shan and Yang, Hong Qiang, Uniqueness for simultaneous approximation in Banach spaces (Chinese), J. Hebei Norm. Univ. Nat. Sci. Ed. 24 (2000), no. 4, 434--435; MR1821152"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Li, Jin Shan and Yang, Hong Qiang, Uniqueness of simultaneous approximation for set-valued mappings (Chinese), J. Hebei Norm. Univ. Nat. Sci. Ed. 24 (2000), no. 1, 11--13; MR1785132"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Li, Jin Shan, The Papini characteristic of best simultaneous approximation (Chinese), J. Hebei Norm. Univ. Nat. Sci. Ed. 23 (1999), no. 3, 325--328; MR1786229 (2001h:41027)"}}

Revision [851]

Edited on 2005-08-19 15:44:32 by JinshanLi
~- Li, Jinshan {{colour c="green" text="On integrated convex optimization in Banach space and its application in best approximation,"}} [[ East J. Approx.]] {{colour c="green" text=" 11 (2005), no. 1, 21--34; MR2118780"}}
~- {{colour c="blue" text=" Li, Jinshan"}} {{colour c="green" text="On integrated convex optimization in Banach space and its application in best approximation,"}} [[ East J. Approx.]] {{colour c="green" text=" 11 (2005), no. 1, 21--34; MR2118780"}}

Revision [850]

Edited on 2005-08-19 15:43:18 by JinshanLi
~- {{colour c="blue" text=" Li, Jinshan"}} {{colour c="green" text="On integrated convex optimization in Banach space and its application in best approximation,"}} [[ East J. Approx.]] {{colour c="green" text=" 11 (2005), no. 1, 21--34; MR2118780"}}
~- ==={{colour c="green" text=" Li, Jinshan"}}=== {{colour c="green" text="On integrated convex optimization in Banach space and its application in best approximation,"}} [[ East J. Approx.]] {{colour c="green" text=" 11 (2005), no. 1, 21--34; MR2118780"}}

Revision [849]

Edited on 2005-08-19 15:42:33 by JinshanLi
~- ==={{colour c="green" text=" Li, Jinshan"}}=== {{colour c="green" text="On integrated convex optimization in Banach space and its application in best approximation,"}} [[ East J. Approx.]] {{colour c="green" text=" 11 (2005), no. 1, 21--34; MR2118780"}}
~- ={{colour c="green" text=" Li, Jinshan"}}= {{colour c="green" text="On integrated convex optimization in Banach space and its application in best approximation,"}} [[ East J. Approx.]] {{colour c="green" text=" 11 (2005), no. 1, 21--34; MR2118780"}}

Revision [848]

Edited on 2005-08-19 15:41:35 by JinshanLi
~- ={{colour c="green" text=" Li, Jinshan"}}= {{colour c="green" text="On integrated convex optimization in Banach space and its application in best approximation,"}} [[ East J. Approx.]] {{colour c="green" text=" 11 (2005), no. 1, 21--34; MR2118780"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Li, Jinshan"}} {{colour c="green" text="On integrated convex optimization in Banach space and its application in best approximation,"}} [[ East J. Approx.]] {{colour c="green" text=" 11 (2005), no. 1, 21--34; MR2118780"}}

Revision [847]

Edited on 2005-08-19 15:40:27 by JinshanLi
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Li, Jinshan"}} {{colour c="green" text="On integrated convex optimization in Banach space and its application in best approximation,"}} [[ East J. Approx.]] {{colour c="green" text=" 11 (2005), no. 1, 21--34; MR2118780"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Li, Jinshan"}} {{colour="green" text="On integrated convex optimization in Banach space and its application in best approximation,"}} [[ East J. Approx.]] {{colour c="green" text=" 11 (2005), no. 1, 21--34; MR2118780"}}

Revision [846]

Edited on 2005-08-19 15:39:54 by JinshanLi
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Li, Jinshan"}} {{colour="green" text="On integrated convex optimization in Banach space and its application in best approximation,"}} [[ East J. Approx.]] {{colour c="green" text=" 11 (2005), no. 1, 21--34; MR2118780"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Li, Jinshan"}} {{colour="green" text=", On integrated convex optimization in Banach space and its application in best approximation,"}} [[ East J. Approx.]] {{colour c="green" text=" 11 (2005), no. 1, 21--34; MR2118780"}}

Revision [845]

Edited on 2005-08-19 15:39:09 by JinshanLi
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Li, Jinshan"}} {{colour="green" text=", On integrated convex optimization in Banach space and its application in best approximation,"}} [[ East J. Approx.]] {{colour c="green" text=" 11 (2005), no. 1, 21--34; MR2118780"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Li, Jinshan"}}{{colour="green" text=", On integrated convex optimization in Banach space and its application in best approximation,"}} [[ East J. Approx.]] {{colour c="green" text=" 11 (2005), no. 1, 21--34; MR2118780"}}

Revision [844]

Edited on 2005-08-19 15:37:54 by JinshanLi
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Li, Jinshan"}}{{colour="green" text=", On integrated convex optimization in Banach space and its application in best approximation,"}} [[ East J. Approx.]] {{colour c="green" text=" 11 (2005), no. 1, 21--34; MR2118780"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" ==Li, Jinshan==, On integrated convex optimization in Banach space and its application in best approximation,"}} [[ East J. Approx.]] {{colour c="green" text=" 11 (2005), no. 1, 21--34; MR2118780"}}

Revision [843]

Edited on 2005-08-19 15:36:02 by JinshanLi
~- {{colour c="green" text=" ==Li, Jinshan==, On integrated convex optimization in Banach space and its application in best approximation,"}} [[ East J. Approx.]] {{colour c="green" text=" 11 (2005), no. 1, 21--34; MR2118780"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Li, Jinshan, On integrated convex optimization in Banach space and its application in best approximation,"}} [[ East J. Approx.]] {{colour c="green" text=" 11 (2005), no. 1, 21--34; MR2118780"}}

Revision [841]

Edited on 2005-08-17 16:11:50 by JinshanLi
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Li Jinshan, Wang ShuPing, Gao YUzhuo & Liu Hongwei, Stock Strategy in Lean-retailing Environment(Chinese), Chinese Journal of Management Science, Special, 2005."}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Wang ShuPing, Li Jinshan, Li Jian-ping & Chen Jian-ming, An analysis about war's grading effect on international oil price(Chinese), Chinese Journal of Management Science, Special, 2005."}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Li Jinshan, Wang ShuPing, Gao YUzhuo & Liu Hongwei, Stock Strategy in Lean-retailing Environment, Chinese Journal of Management Science (Special) 2005."}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Wang ShuPing, Li Jinshan, Li Jian-ping & Chen Jian-ming, An analysis about war's grading effect on international oil price, Chinese Journal of Management Science (Special) 2005."}}

Revision [840]

Edited on 2005-08-17 16:10:09 by JinshanLi
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Li Jinshan, Wang ShuPing, Gao YUzhuo & Liu Hongwei, Stock Strategy in Lean-retailing Environment, Chinese Journal of Management Science (Special) 2005."}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Wang ShuPing, Li Jinshan, Li Jian-ping & Chen Jian-ming, An analysis about war's grading effect on international oil price, Chinese Journal of Management Science (Special) 2005."}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Li Jinshan, Wang ShuPing, Gao YUzhuo & Liu Hongwei, Stock Strategy in Lean-retailing Environment, Chinese Journal of Management Science, Special, 2005."}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Wang ShuPing, Li Jinshan, Li Jian-ping & Chen Jian-ming, An analysis about war's grading effect on international oil price, Chinese Journal of Management Science, Special, 2005."}}

Revision [839]

Edited on 2005-08-17 16:09:16 by JinshanLi
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Wang ShuPing, Li Jinshan, Li Jian-ping & Chen Jian-ming, An analysis about war's grading effect on international oil price, Chinese Journal of Management Science, Special, 2005."}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Wang ShuPing, Li Jinshan, Li Jian-ping & Chen Jian-ming, An analysis about war's grading effect on international oil price, Special, 2005."}}

Revision [838]

Edited on 2005-08-17 16:08:02 by JinshanLi
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Wang ShuPing, Li Jinshan, Li Jian-ping & Chen Jian-ming, An analysis about war's grading effect on international oil price, Special, 2005."}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Wang ShuPing, Li Jinshan Li Jian-ping & Chen Jian-ming, An analysis about war's grading effect on international oil price, Special, 2005."}}

Revision [837]

Edited on 2005-08-17 16:07:21 by JinshanLi
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Li Jinshan, Wang ShuPing, Gao YUzhuo & Liu Hongwei, Stock Strategy in Lean-retailing Environment, Chinese Journal of Management Science, Special, 2005."}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Wang ShuPing, Li Jinshan Li Jian-ping & Chen Jian-ming, An analysis about war's grading effect on international oil price, Special, 2005."}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Li Jinshan, Wang ShuPing, Gao YUzhuo & Liu Hongwei, Stock Strategy in Lean-retailing Environment, Chinese Journal of Management Science, Special, 2005"}}

Revision [836]

Edited on 2005-08-17 16:01:54 by JinshanLi
==={{colour c="green" text=" Proceeding Paper"}}===
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Li Jinshan, Wang ShuPing, Gao YUzhuo & Liu Hongwei, Stock Strategy in Lean-retailing Environment, Chinese Journal of Management Science, Special, 2005"}}

Revision [617]

Edited on 2005-06-29 18:33:36 by JinshanLi
===={{colour c="green" text="中国人民大学信息学院博士研究生"}}====
===={{colour c="green" text="中国人民大学信息学院03级博士研究生"}}====

Revision [616]

Edited on 2005-06-29 18:33:21 by JinshanLi
===={{colour c="green" text="中国人民大学信息学院03级博士研究生"}}====
===={{colour c="green" text="人民大学信息学院博士研究生"}}====

Revision [612]

Edited on 2005-06-29 18:29:07 by JinshanLi

No Differences

Revision [580]

Edited on 2005-05-27 12:51:00 by YongWang
''Email:'' ""<a href=""></a>""
''Email:'' <a href=""></a>

Revision [579]

Edited on 2005-05-27 12:50:00 by YongWang
''Email:'' <a href=""></a>
''Email:'' [[<a href="">Email Me</a>]]

Revision [578]

Edited on 2005-05-27 12:49:05 by YongWang
''Email:'' [[<a href="">Email Me</a>]]
''Email:'' [[]]

Revision [567]

Edited on 2005-05-20 14:28:06 by JinshanLi
====={{colour c="green" text="School of Information, "}} {{colour c="green" text="Renmin University of China"}} =====
====={{colour c="green" text="School of Information "}} {{colour c="green" text="Renmin University of China"}} =====

Revision [566]

Edited on 2005-05-20 14:27:22 by JinshanLi
====={{colour c="green" text="School of Information "}} {{colour c="green" text="Renmin University of China"}} =====
====={{colour c="green" text="School of Information "}} {{colour c="red" text="Renmin University of China"}} =====

Revision [565]

Edited on 2005-05-20 14:16:58 by JinshanLi
====={{colour c="green" text="School of Information "}} {{colour c="red" text="Renmin University of China"}} =====
=== {{colour c="green" text="School of Information "}}=== ==={{colour c="red" text="Renmin University of China"}} ===

Revision [564]

Edited on 2005-05-20 14:16:17 by JinshanLi
=== {{colour c="green" text="School of Information "}}=== ==={{colour c="red" text="Renmin University of China"}} ===
=== {{colour c="green" text="School of Information "}}__{{colour c="red" text="Renmin University of China"}} __===

Revision [563]

Edited on 2005-05-20 14:13:47 by JinshanLi
{{colour c="green" text=" J. SH. Li was born on 13th, Jan., 1970 in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei province . He received his B.S. Degrees from Department of Mathematics, Hebei Normal College, and his M.S. degree from "}}[[ College of Mathematics & Information Science]], [[ Hebei Normal University]]. {{colour c="green" text=" After his graduation in 7, 1997, he have been working in the same college, Hebei University as a teacher. In 2002, He came into College of Economic & Management, Tsinghua University as a visting scholar for reserch in mathematics and finance. In sep. 2003, he become a Ph.D. candidate in Econometrics, Information School, Renmin University of China."}}
=== {{colour c="green" text=" Working Experience"}} ===
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Asistant Teacher, 1997.7 ~1999.7, College of mathematics & Information Science, Hebei Normal University"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" lector, 1999,7 ~ 2003.9, College of mathematics & Information Science, Hebei Normal University"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Visiting scholar, 2002.9 ~ 2003.7, College of Economic & Management, Tsinghua University "}}
=== {{colour c="green" text=" Educational Background"}} ===
~- {{colour c="green" text=" B.S., 1990.9 ~ 1994.7, Department of Mathematics, Hebei Normal College. "}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" M.S., 1994.9 ~ 1997.7, College of Mathematics & Information Sciences, Hebei Normal University. "}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" ph.D, 2003.9 ~ Now, School of Information, Renmin University of China."}}
=== {{colour c="green" text=" Research Areas and Interests"}} ===
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Linear and non-linear optimization theory, algorithm and application "}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Functional analysis and Best nonlinear approximation in locally convex spaces and Banach spaces"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Bioinformatics"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Neural networks and SVM"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Logistics and Supply Chain Management "}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Mathematic economics and finance analysis"}}
==={{colour c="green" text=" Publication in Recent Year"}}===
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Li, Jinshan, On integrated convex optimization in Banach space and its application in best approximation,"}} [[ East J. Approx.]] {{colour c="green" text=" 11 (2005), no. 1, 21--34; MR2118780"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Li, Jin Shan and Gao, Yu Zhuo, Compact simultaneous approximation in Banach spaces (Chinese), J. Hebei Norm. Univ. Nat. Sci. Ed. 25 (2001), no. 3, 296--298; MR1864454"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Li, Jin Shan and Yang, Hong Qiang, Uniqueness for simultaneous approximation in Banach spaces (Chinese), J. Hebei Norm. Univ. Nat. Sci. Ed. 24 (2000), no. 4, 434--435; MR1821152"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Li, Jin Shan, The Papini characteristic of best simultaneous approximation (Chinese), J. Hebei Norm. Univ. Nat. Sci. Ed. 23 (1999), no. 3, 325--328; MR1786229 (2001h:41027)"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Li, Jin Shan and Yang, Hong Qiang, Uniqueness of simultaneous approximation for set-valued mappings (Chinese), J. Hebei Norm. Univ. Nat. Sci. Ed. 24 (2000), no. 1, 11--13; MR1785132"}}
=== {{colour c="green" text=" Working Paper"}} ===
~- {{colour c="green" text=" A Model for Protein's Tertiary Structure Prediction"}}
=== {{colour c="green" text=" Computer Knowledge"}} ===
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP, Office, Fortran, Matlab, C++, LaTeX"}}
=== {{colour c="green" text=" Awards "}}===
~- {{colour c="green" text=" 1995~1996, Fellowship, Hebei Normal College"}}
=== {{colour c="green" text=" Hobbies"}} ===
~- [[ I-go]]{{colour c="green", text=" Pingpong, Basketball, climbing etc."}}
[[ABOUTme second-page]]

Revision [556]

Edited on 2005-05-20 09:53:13 by JinshanLi
====== {{colour c="blue" text="Jin-Shan Li"}} ======
''Email:'' [[]]
%%====== {{colour c="blue" text="Jin-Shan Li"}} ======
''Email:'' [[]] %%

Revision [555]

Edited on 2005-05-20 09:52:32 by JinshanLi
%%====== {{colour c="blue" text="Jin-Shan Li"}} ======
''Email:'' [[]] %%
====== {{colour c="blue" text="Jin-Shan Li"}} ======
''Email:'' [[]]

Revision [552]

Edited on 2005-05-20 01:13:50 by JinshanLi
[[ABOUTme second-page]]
[[JinshanLi2 second-page]]
======//About Me//======
{{colour c="green" text=" J. SH. Li was born on 13th, Jan., 1970 in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei province . He received his B.S. Degrees from Department of Mathematics, Hebei Normal College, and his M.S. degree from "}}[[ College of Mathematics & Information Science]], [[ Hebei Normal University]]. {{colour c="green" text=" After his graduation in 7, 1997, he have been working in the same college, Hebei University as a teacher. In 2002, He came into College of Economic & Management, Tsinghua University as a visting scholar for reserch in mathematics and finance. In sep. 2003, he become a Ph.D. candidate in Econometrics, Information School, Renmin University of China."}}
=== {{colour c="green" text=" Working Experience"}} ===
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Asistant Teacher, 1997.7 ~1999.7, College of mathematics & Information Science, Hebei Normal University"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" lector, 1999,7 ~ 2003.9, College of mathematics & Information Science, Hebei Normal University"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Visiting scholar, 2002.9 ~ 2003.7, College of Economic & Management, Tsinghua University "}}
=== {{colour c="green" text=" Educational Background"}} ===
~- {{colour c="green" text=" B.S., 1990.9 ~ 1994.7, Department of Mathematics, Hebei Normal College. "}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" M.S., 1994.9 ~ 1997.7, College of Mathematics & Information Sciences, Hebei Normal University. "}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" ph.D, 2003.9 ~ Now, School of Information, Renmin University of China."}}
=== {{colour c="green" text=" Research Areas and Interests"}} ===
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Linear and non-linear optimization theory, algorithm and application "}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Functional analysis and Best nonlinear approximation in locally convex spaces and Banach spaces"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Bioinformatics"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Neural networks and SVM"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Logistics and Supply Chain Management "}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Mathematic economics and finance analysis"}}
==={{colour c="green" text=" Publication in Recent Year"}}===
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Li, Jinshan, On integrated convex optimization in Banach space and its application in best approximation,"}} [[ East J. Approx.]] {{colour c="green" text=" 11 (2005), no. 1, 21--34; MR2118780"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Li, Jin Shan and Gao, Yu Zhuo, Compact simultaneous approximation in Banach spaces (Chinese), J. Hebei Norm. Univ. Nat. Sci. Ed. 25 (2001), no. 3, 296--298; MR1864454"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Li, Jin Shan and Yang, Hong Qiang, Uniqueness for simultaneous approximation in Banach spaces (Chinese), J. Hebei Norm. Univ. Nat. Sci. Ed. 24 (2000), no. 4, 434--435; MR1821152"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Li, Jin Shan, The Papini characteristic of best simultaneous approximation (Chinese), J. Hebei Norm. Univ. Nat. Sci. Ed. 23 (1999), no. 3, 325--328; MR1786229 (2001h:41027)"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Li, Jin Shan and Yang, Hong Qiang, Uniqueness of simultaneous approximation for set-valued mappings (Chinese), J. Hebei Norm. Univ. Nat. Sci. Ed. 24 (2000), no. 1, 11--13; MR1785132"}}
=== {{colour c="green" text=" Working Paper"}} ===
~- {{colour c="green" text=" A Model for Protein's Tertiary Structure Prediction"}}
=== {{colour c="green" text=" Computer Knowledge"}} ===
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP, Office, Fortran, Matlab, C++, LaTeX"}}
=== {{colour c="green" text=" Awards "}}===
~- {{colour c="green" text=" 1995~1996, Fellowship, Hebei Normal College"}}
=== {{colour c="green" text=" Hobbies"}} ===
~- [[ I-go]]{{colour c="green", text=" Pingpong, Basketball, climbing etc."}}

Revision [548]

Edited on 2005-05-20 00:56:09 by JinshanLi
[[JinshanLi2 second-page]]
[[B second-page]]

Revision [547]

Edited on 2005-05-20 00:55:41 by JinshanLi
[[B second-page]]
[[JinshanLi second-page]]

Revision [546]

Edited on 2005-05-20 00:54:45 by JinshanLi
[[JinshanLi second-page]]
[[JinshanLi2 second-page]]

Revision [543]

Edited on 2005-05-20 00:51:21 by JinshanLi
[[JinshanLi2 second-page]]
[[JinshanLi second-page]]

Revision [542]

Edited on 2005-05-20 00:50:14 by JinshanLi
======//About Me//======
{{colour c="green" text=" J. SH. Li was born on 13th, Jan., 1970 in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei province . He received his B.S. Degrees from Department of Mathematics, Hebei Normal College, and his M.S. degree from "}}[[ College of Mathematics & Information Science]], [[ Hebei Normal University]]. {{colour c="green" text=" After his graduation in 7, 1997, he have been working in the same college, Hebei University as a teacher. In 2002, He came into College of Economic & Management, Tsinghua University as a visting scholar for reserch in mathematics and finance. In sep. 2003, he become a Ph.D. candidate in Econometrics, Information School, Renmin University of China."}}
=== {{colour c="green" text=" Working Experience"}} ===
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Asistant Teacher, 1997.7 ~1999.7, College of mathematics & Information Science, Hebei Normal University"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" lector, 1999,7 ~ 2003.9, College of mathematics & Information Science, Hebei Normal University"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Visiting scholar, 2002.9 ~ 2003.7, College of Economic & Management, Tsinghua University "}}
=== {{colour c="green" text=" Educational Background"}} ===
~- {{colour c="green" text=" B.S., 1990.9 ~ 1994.7, Department of Mathematics, Hebei Normal College. "}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" M.S., 1994.9 ~ 1997.7, College of Mathematics & Information Sciences, Hebei Normal University. "}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" ph.D, 2003.9 ~ Now, School of Information, Renmin University of China."}}
=== {{colour c="green" text=" Research Areas and Interests"}} ===
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Linear and non-linear optimization theory, algorithm and application "}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Functional analysis and Best nonlinear approximation in locally convex spaces and Banach spaces"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Bioinformatics"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Neural networks and SVM"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Logistics and Supply Chain Management "}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Mathematic economics and finance analysis"}}
==={{colour c="green" text=" Publication in Recent Year"}}===
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Li, Jinshan, On integrated convex optimization in Banach space and its application in best approximation,"}} [[ East J. Approx.]] {{colour c="green" text=" 11 (2005), no. 1, 21--34; MR2118780"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Li, Jin Shan and Gao, Yu Zhuo, Compact simultaneous approximation in Banach spaces (Chinese), J. Hebei Norm. Univ. Nat. Sci. Ed. 25 (2001), no. 3, 296--298; MR1864454"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Li, Jin Shan and Yang, Hong Qiang, Uniqueness for simultaneous approximation in Banach spaces (Chinese), J. Hebei Norm. Univ. Nat. Sci. Ed. 24 (2000), no. 4, 434--435; MR1821152"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Li, Jin Shan, The Papini characteristic of best simultaneous approximation (Chinese), J. Hebei Norm. Univ. Nat. Sci. Ed. 23 (1999), no. 3, 325--328; MR1786229 (2001h:41027)"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Li, Jin Shan and Yang, Hong Qiang, Uniqueness of simultaneous approximation for set-valued mappings (Chinese), J. Hebei Norm. Univ. Nat. Sci. Ed. 24 (2000), no. 1, 11--13; MR1785132"}}
=== {{colour c="green" text=" Working Paper"}} ===
~- {{colour c="green" text=" A Model for Protein's Tertiary Structure Prediction"}}
=== {{colour c="green" text=" Computer Knowledge"}} ===
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP, Office, Fortran, Matlab, C++, LaTeX"}}
=== {{colour c="green" text=" Awards "}}===
~- {{colour c="green" text=" 1995~1996, Fellowship, Hebei Normal College"}}
=== {{colour c="green" text=" Hobbies"}} ===
~- [[ I-go]]{{colour c="green", text=" Pingpong, Basketball, climbing etc."}}

Revision [541]

Edited on 2005-05-20 00:49:50 by JinshanLi
[[JinshanLi second-page]]
[[JinshanLi 2nd-page]]

Revision [540]

Edited on 2005-05-20 00:46:31 by JinshanLi
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Revision [539]

Edited on 2005-05-20 00:46:07 by JinshanLi
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Revision [537]

Edited on 2005-05-20 00:44:49 by JinshanLi
[[JinshanLi2 2nd-page]]
[[JinshanLi-about-me Ab]]

Revision [536]

Edited on 2005-05-20 00:43:43 by JinshanLi
[[JinshanLi-about-me Ab]]
[[JinshanLi-about-me second page]]

Revision [531]

Edited on 2005-05-20 00:36:47 by JinshanLi
[[JinshanLi-about-me second page]]
[[JinshanLi-about me second page]]

Revision [530]

Edited on 2005-05-20 00:36:34 by JinshanLi
[[JinshanLi-about me second page]]
[[a JinshanLi about me]]

Revision [529]

Edited on 2005-05-20 00:35:06 by JinshanLi
[[a JinshanLi about me]]
[[a about]]

Revision [523]

Edited on 2005-05-20 00:29:24 by JinshanLi
[[a about]]
{{colour c="green" text=" J. SH. Li was born on 13th, Jan., 1970 in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei province . He received his B.S. Degrees from Department of Mathematics, Hebei Normal College, and his M.S. degree from "}}[[ College of Mathematics & Information Science]], [[ Hebei Normal University]]. {{colour c="green" text=" After his graduation in 7, 1997, he have been working in the same college, Hebei University as a teacher. In 2002, He came into College of Economic & Management, Tsinghua University as a visting scholar for reserch in mathematics and finance. In sep. 2003, he become a Ph.D. candidate in Econometrics, Information School, Renmin University of China."}}
=== {{colour c="green" text=" Working Experience"}} ===
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Asistant Teacher, 1997.7 ~1999.7, College of mathematics & Information Science, Hebei Normal University"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" lector, 1999,7 ~ 2003.9, College of mathematics & Information Science, Hebei Normal University"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Visiting scholar, 2002.9 ~ 2003.7, College of Economic & Management, Tsinghua University "}}
=== {{colour c="green" text=" Educational Background"}} ===
~- {{colour c="green" text=" B.S., 1990.9 ~ 1994.7, Department of Mathematics, Hebei Normal College. "}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" M.S., 1994.9 ~ 1997.7, College of Mathematics & Information Sciences, Hebei Normal University. "}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" ph.D, 2003.9 ~ Now, School of Information, Renmin University of China."}}
=== {{colour c="green" text=" Research Areas and Interests"}} ===
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Linear and non-linear optimization theory, algorithm and application "}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Functional analysis and Best nonlinear approximation in locally convex spaces and Banach spaces"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Bioinformatics"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Neural networks and SVM"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Logistics and Supply Chain Management "}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Mathematic economics and finance analysis"}}
==={{colour c="green" text=" Publication in Recent Year"}}===
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Li, Jinshan, On integrated convex optimization in Banach space and its application in best approximation,"}} [[ East J. Approx.]] {{colour c="green" text=" 11 (2005), no. 1, 21--34; MR2118780"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Li, Jin Shan and Gao, Yu Zhuo, Compact simultaneous approximation in Banach spaces (Chinese), J. Hebei Norm. Univ. Nat. Sci. Ed. 25 (2001), no. 3, 296--298; MR1864454"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Li, Jin Shan and Yang, Hong Qiang, Uniqueness for simultaneous approximation in Banach spaces (Chinese), J. Hebei Norm. Univ. Nat. Sci. Ed. 24 (2000), no. 4, 434--435; MR1821152"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Li, Jin Shan, The Papini characteristic of best simultaneous approximation (Chinese), J. Hebei Norm. Univ. Nat. Sci. Ed. 23 (1999), no. 3, 325--328; MR1786229 (2001h:41027)"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Li, Jin Shan and Yang, Hong Qiang, Uniqueness of simultaneous approximation for set-valued mappings (Chinese), J. Hebei Norm. Univ. Nat. Sci. Ed. 24 (2000), no. 1, 11--13; MR1785132"}}
=== {{colour c="green" text=" Working Paper"}} ===
~- {{colour c="green" text=" A Model for Protein's Tertiary Structure Prediction"}}
=== {{colour c="green" text=" Computer Knowledge"}} ===
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP, Office, Fortran, Matlab, C++, LaTeX"}}
=== {{colour c="green" text=" Awards "}}===
~- {{colour c="green" text=" 1995~1996, Fellowship, Hebei Normal College"}}
=== {{colour c="green" text=" Hobbies"}} ===
~- [[ I-go]]{{colour c="green", text=" Pingpong, Basketball, climbing etc."}}

Revision [522]

Edited on 2005-05-20 00:27:59 by JinshanLi

No Differences

Revision [521]

Edited on 2005-05-20 00:27:23 by JinshanLi

Revision [520]

Edited on 2005-05-20 00:27:03 by JinshanLi

Revision [519]

Edited on 2005-05-20 00:25:22 by JinshanLi
[[AbB 看见看见了]]
[[SwcondA 事实事实]]

Revision [516]

Edited on 2005-05-19 22:17:12 by JinshanLi
[[AbB 看见看见了]]

Revision [513]

Edited on 2005-05-19 22:15:10 by JinshanLi
[[SwcondA 事实事实]]

Revision [512]

Edited on 2005-05-19 22:14:35 by JinshanLi

Revision [510]

Edited on 2005-05-19 22:13:51 by JinshanLi

Revision [509]

Edited on 2005-05-19 21:58:41 by JinshanLi
=== {{colour c="green" text="School of Information "}}__{{colour c="red" text="Renmin University of China"}} __===
=== {{colour c="green" text="School of Information "}}__{{colour c="red" text="[[ Renmin University of China]]"}} __===

Revision [508]

Edited on 2005-05-19 21:58:14 by JinshanLi
=== {{colour c="green" text="School of Information "}}__{{colour c="red" text="[[ Renmin University of China]]"}} __===
=== {{colour c="green" text="School of Information "}}[[ __{{colour c="red" text="Renmin University of China"}} __]]===

Revision [507]

Edited on 2005-05-19 21:57:22 by JinshanLi
=== {{colour c="green" text="School of Information "}}[[ __{{colour c="red" text="Renmin University of China"}} __]]===
=== {{colour c="green" text="School of Information "}}[[__ {{colour c="red" text="Renmin University of China"}} __]]===

Revision [506]

Edited on 2005-05-19 21:56:55 by JinshanLi
=== {{colour c="green" text="School of Information "}}[[__ {{colour c="red" text="Renmin University of China"}} __]]===
=== {{colour c="green" text="School of Information "}}__[[ {{colour c="red" text="Renmin University of China"}} ]] __===

Revision [505]

Edited on 2005-05-19 21:56:30 by JinshanLi
=== {{colour c="green" text="School of Information "}}__[[ {{colour c="red" text="Renmin University of China"}} ]] __===
=== {{colour c="green" text="School of Information "}}__{{colour c="red" text="[[Renmin University of China ]]"}} __===

Revision [504]

Edited on 2005-05-19 21:55:33 by JinshanLi
=== {{colour c="green" text="School of Information "}}__{{colour c="red" text="[[Renmin University of China ]]"}} __===
=== {{colour c="green" text="School of Information "}}__{{colour c="red" text="Renmin University of China "}} __===

Revision [503]

Edited on 2005-05-19 21:53:38 by JinshanLi
{{table columns="3" cellpadding="1" cells="BIG;GREEN;FROGS;yes;yes;no;no;no;###"}} to give:

Revision [502]

Edited on 2005-05-19 21:52:53 by JinshanLi
{{table columns="3" cellpadding="1" cells="BIG;GREEN;FROGS;yes;yes;no;no;no;###"}} to give:

Revision [494]

Edited on 2005-05-17 19:28:43 by JinshanLi
=== {{colour c="green" text="School of Information "}}__{{colour c="red" text="Renmin University of China "}} __===
=== {{colour c="green" text="School of Information "}}__**{{colour c="green" text="Renmin University of China "}}** __===

Revision [493]

Edited on 2005-05-17 19:28:16 by JinshanLi
=== {{colour c="green" text="School of Information "}}__**{{colour c="green" text="Renmin University of China "}}** __===
=== {{colour c="green" text="School of Information "}}__{{colour c="green" text="Renmin University of China "}} __===

Revision [492]

Edited on 2005-05-17 19:27:43 by JinshanLi
=== {{colour c="green" text="School of Information "}}__{{colour c="green" text="Renmin University of China "}} __===
=== {{colour c="green" text="School of Information "}}==={{colour c="green" text="Renmin University of China "}} ===

Revision [491]

Edited on 2005-05-17 19:26:21 by JinshanLi
=== {{colour c="green" text="School of Information "}}==={{colour c="green" text="Renmin University of China "}} ===
=== {{colour c="green" text="School of Information "}} {{colour c="green" text="Renmin University of China "}} ===

Revision [490]

Edited on 2005-05-17 19:25:50 by JinshanLi
=== {{colour c="green" text="School of Information "}} {{colour c="green" text="Renmin University of China "}} ===
=== {{colour c="green" text="School of Information "}}{{colour c="green" text="Renmin University of China "}} ===

Revision [468]

Edited on 2005-05-14 14:35:14 by JinshanLi
~- [[ I-go]]{{colour c="green", text=" Pingpong, Basketball, climbing etc."}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" I-go, Pingpong, Basketball, climbing etc."}}

Revision [467]

Edited on 2005-05-14 14:29:06 by JinshanLi
**======{{colour c="blue" text="李金山"}} ======**
**======{{colour c="green" text="李金山"}} ======**

Revision [466]

Edited on 2005-05-14 14:28:21 by JinshanLi
====== {{colour c="blue" text="Jin-Shan Li"}} ======
====== {{colour c="green" text="Jin-Shan Li"}} ======

Revision [453]

Edited on 2005-05-12 01:08:04 by JinshanLi
""<img src="uploads/UserImages/li.jpg" alt="Jin-shan Li" style="float: left; margin: 1.0%; padding: 0.5%;">""
""<img src="uploads/UserImages/li.jpg" alt="Jin-shan Li" style="float: right; margin: 1.0%; padding: 0.5%;">""

Revision [452]

Edited on 2005-05-12 01:07:20 by JinshanLi
""<img src="uploads/UserImages/li.jpg" alt="Jin-shan Li" style="float: right; margin: 1.0%; padding: 0.5%;">""
""<img src="uploads/UserImages/li.jpg" alt="Jin-shan Li" style="float: left; margin: 1.0%; padding: 0.5%;">""

Revision [451]

Edited on 2005-05-12 01:04:34 by JinshanLi
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Asistant Teacher, 1997.7 ~1999.7, College of mathematics & Information Science, Hebei Normal University"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Asistant Teacher, 1997.7 ~1999.7, College of mathematics & Information Science, Hebei Normal University"}}

Revision [450]

Edited on 2005-05-12 01:04:05 by JinshanLi
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Asistant Teacher, 1997.7 ~1999.7, College of mathematics & Information Science, Hebei Normal University"}}
~-{{colour c="green" text=" Asistant Teacher, 1997.7 ~1999.7, College of mathematics & Information Science, Hebei Normal University"}}

Revision [441]

Edited on 2005-05-11 20:49:06 by JinshanLi
==={{colour c="green" text=" Publication in Recent Year"}}===

Revision [440]

Edited on 2005-05-11 20:47:43 by JinshanLi
[[ school of Information]][[ Renmin University of China]], {{colour c="green" text=" Beijing 100872, China"}}
''Tel:'' {{colour c="green" text=" 86-10-62517989 "}}
[[ school of Information]][[ Renmin University of China]], Beijing 100872, China
''Tel:'' 86-10-62517989

Revision [439]

Edited on 2005-05-11 20:46:44 by JinshanLi
~-{{colour c="green" text=" Asistant Teacher, 1997.7 ~1999.7, College of mathematics & Information Science, Hebei Normal University"}}
=== {{colour c="green" text=" Educational Background"}} ===
~- {{colour c="green" text=" B.S., 1990.9 ~ 1994.7, Department of Mathematics, Hebei Normal College. "}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" M.S., 1994.9 ~ 1997.7, College of Mathematics & Information Sciences, Hebei Normal University. "}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" ph.D, 2003.9 ~ Now, School of Information, Renmin University of China."}}
=== {{colour c="green" text=" Research Areas and Interests"}} ===
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Linear and non-linear optimization theory, algorithm and application "}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Functional analysis and Best nonlinear approximation in locally convex spaces and Banach spaces"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Bioinformatics"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Neural networks and SVM"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Logistics and Supply Chain Management "}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Mathematic economics and finance analysis"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Li, Jinshan, On integrated convex optimization in Banach space and its application in best approximation,"}} [[ East J. Approx.]] {{colour c="green" text=" 11 (2005), no. 1, 21--34; MR2118780"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Li, Jin Shan and Gao, Yu Zhuo, Compact simultaneous approximation in Banach spaces (Chinese), J. Hebei Norm. Univ. Nat. Sci. Ed. 25 (2001), no. 3, 296--298; MR1864454"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Li, Jin Shan and Yang, Hong Qiang, Uniqueness for simultaneous approximation in Banach spaces (Chinese), J. Hebei Norm. Univ. Nat. Sci. Ed. 24 (2000), no. 4, 434--435; MR1821152"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Li, Jin Shan, The Papini characteristic of best simultaneous approximation (Chinese), J. Hebei Norm. Univ. Nat. Sci. Ed. 23 (1999), no. 3, 325--328; MR1786229 (2001h:41027)"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Li, Jin Shan and Yang, Hong Qiang, Uniqueness of simultaneous approximation for set-valued mappings (Chinese), J. Hebei Norm. Univ. Nat. Sci. Ed. 24 (2000), no. 1, 11--13; MR1785132"}}
=== {{colour c="green" text=" Working Paper"}} ===
~- {{colour c="green" text=" A Model for Protein's Tertiary Structure Prediction"}}
=== {{colour c="green" text=" Computer Knowledge"}} ===
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP, Office, Fortran, Matlab, C++, LaTeX"}}
=== {{colour c="green" text=" Awards "}}===
~- {{colour c="green" text=" 1995~1996, Fellowship, Hebei Normal College"}}
=== {{colour c="green" text=" Hobbies"}} ===
~- {{colour c="green" text=" I-go, Pingpong, Basketball, climbing etc."}}
{{colour c="green" text=" ~-Asistant Teacher, 1997.7 ~1999.7, College of mathematics & Information Science, Hebei Normal University"}}
=== Educational Background ===
~- B.S., 1990.9 ~ 1994.7, Department of Mathematics, Hebei Normal College.
~- M.S., 1994.9 ~ 1997.7, College of Mathematics & Information Sciences, Hebei Normal University.
~- ph.D, 2003.9 ~ Now, School of Information, Renmin University of China.
=== Research Areas and Interests ===
~- Linear and non-linear optimization theory, algorithm and application
~- Functional analysis and Best nonlinear approximation in locally convex spaces and Banach spaces
~- Bioinformatics
~- Neural networks and SVM
~- Logistics and Supply Chain Management
~- Mathematic economics and finance analysis
~- Li, Jinshan, On integrated convex optimization in Banach space and its application in best approximation, [[ East J. Approx.]] 11 (2005), no. 1, 21--34; MR2118780
~- Li, Jin Shan and Gao, Yu Zhuo, Compact simultaneous approximation in Banach spaces (Chinese), J. Hebei Norm. Univ. Nat. Sci. Ed. 25 (2001), no. 3, 296--298; MR1864454
~- Li, Jin Shan and Yang, Hong Qiang, Uniqueness for simultaneous approximation in Banach spaces (Chinese), J. Hebei Norm. Univ. Nat. Sci. Ed. 24 (2000), no. 4, 434--435; MR1821152
~- Li, Jin Shan, The Papini characteristic of best simultaneous approximation (Chinese), J. Hebei Norm. Univ. Nat. Sci. Ed. 23 (1999), no. 3, 325--328; MR1786229 (2001h:41027)
~- Li, Jin Shan and Yang, Hong Qiang, Uniqueness of simultaneous approximation for set-valued mappings (Chinese), J. Hebei Norm. Univ. Nat. Sci. Ed. 24 (2000), no. 1, 11--13; MR1785132
=== Working Paper ===
~- A Model for Protein's Tertiary Structure Prediction
=== Computer Knowledge ===
~- ""Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP, Office, Fortran, Matlab, C++, LaTeX""
=== Awards ===
~- 1995~1996, Fellowship, Hebei Normal College
=== Hobbies ===
~- I-go, Pingpong, Basketball, climbing etc.

Revision [438]

Edited on 2005-05-11 20:41:42 by JinshanLi
{{colour c="green" text=" ~-Asistant Teacher, 1997.7 ~1999.7, College of mathematics & Information Science, Hebei Normal University"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Asistant Teacher, 1997.7 ~1999.7, College of mathematics & Information Science, Hebei Normal University"}}

Revision [437]

Edited on 2005-05-11 20:40:57 by JinshanLi
=== {{colour c="green" text=" Working Experience"}} ===
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Asistant Teacher, 1997.7 ~1999.7, College of mathematics & Information Science, Hebei Normal University"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" lector, 1999,7 ~ 2003.9, College of mathematics & Information Science, Hebei Normal University"}}
~- {{colour c="green" text=" Visiting scholar, 2002.9 ~ 2003.7, College of Economic & Management, Tsinghua University "}}
=== Working Experience ===
~- Asistant Teacher, 1997.7 ~1999.7, College of mathematics & Information Science, Hebei Normal University
~- lector, 1999,7 ~ 2003.9, College of mathematics & Information Science, Hebei Normal University
~- Visiting scholar, 2002.9 ~ 2003.7, College of Economic & Management, Tsinghua University

Revision [436]

Edited on 2005-05-11 20:39:28 by JinshanLi
{{colour c="green" text=" J. SH. Li was born on 13th, Jan., 1970 in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei province . He received his B.S. Degrees from Department of Mathematics, Hebei Normal College, and his M.S. degree from "}}[[ College of Mathematics & Information Science]], [[ Hebei Normal University]]. {{colour c="green" text=" After his graduation in 7, 1997, he have been working in the same college, Hebei University as a teacher. In 2002, He came into College of Economic & Management, Tsinghua University as a visting scholar for reserch in mathematics and finance. In sep. 2003, he become a Ph.D. candidate in Econometrics, Information School, Renmin University of China."}}
{{colour c="green" text=" J. SH. Li was born on 13th, Jan., 1970 in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei province . He received his B.S. Degrees from Department of Mathematics, Hebei Normal College, and his M.S. degree from [[ College of Mathematics & Information Science]], [[ Hebei Normal University]]. After his graduation in 7, 1997, he have been working in the same college, Hebei University as a teacher. In 2002, He came into College of Economic & Management, Tsinghua University as a visting scholar for reserch in mathematics and finance. In sep. 2003, he become a Ph.D. candidate in Econometrics, Information School, Renmin University of China."}}

Revision [435]

Edited on 2005-05-11 20:38:18 by JinshanLi
{{colour c="green" text=" J. SH. Li was born on 13th, Jan., 1970 in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei province . He received his B.S. Degrees from Department of Mathematics, Hebei Normal College, and his M.S. degree from [[ College of Mathematics & Information Science]], [[ Hebei Normal University]]. After his graduation in 7, 1997, he have been working in the same college, Hebei University as a teacher. In 2002, He came into College of Economic & Management, Tsinghua University as a visting scholar for reserch in mathematics and finance. In sep. 2003, he become a Ph.D. candidate in Econometrics, Information School, Renmin University of China."}}
~- I-go, Pingpong, Basketball, climbing etc.
{{colour c="green" text="J.-SH. Li was born on 13th, Jan., 1970 in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei province . He received his B.S. Degrees from Department of Mathematics, Hebei Normal College, and his M.S. degree from [[ College of Mathematics & Information Science]], [[ Hebei Normal University]]. After his graduation in 7, 1997, he have been working in the same college, Hebei University as a teacher. In 2002, He came into College of Economic & Management, Tsinghua University as a visting scholar for reserch in mathematics and finance. In sep. 2003, he become a Ph.D. candidate in Econometrics, Information School, Renmin University of China.
~- I-go, Pingpong, Basketball, climbing etc."}}

Revision [434]

Edited on 2005-05-11 20:37:04 by JinshanLi
{{colour c="green" text="J.-SH. Li was born on 13th, Jan., 1970 in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei province . He received his B.S. Degrees from Department of Mathematics, Hebei Normal College, and his M.S. degree from [[ College of Mathematics & Information Science]], [[ Hebei Normal University]]. After his graduation in 7, 1997, he have been working in the same college, Hebei University as a teacher. In 2002, He came into College of Economic & Management, Tsinghua University as a visting scholar for reserch in mathematics and finance. In sep. 2003, he become a Ph.D. candidate in Econometrics, Information School, Renmin University of China.
~- I-go, Pingpong, Basketball, climbing etc."}}
J.-SH. Li was born on 13th, Jan., 1970 in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei province . He received his B.S. Degrees from Department of Mathematics, Hebei Normal College, and his M.S. degree from [[ College of Mathematics & Information Science]], [[ Hebei Normal University]]. After his graduation in 7, 1997, he have been working in the same college, Hebei University as a teacher. In 2002, He came into College of Economic & Management, Tsinghua University as a visting scholar for reserch in mathematics and finance. In sep. 2003, he become a Ph.D. candidate in Econometrics, Information School, Renmin University of China.
~- I-go, Pingpong, Basketball, climbing etc.

Revision [433]

Edited on 2005-05-11 20:35:24 by JinshanLi
====== {{colour c="green" text="Jin-Shan Li"}} ======
==={{colour c="green" text="Ph.D. Candidate "}}===
=== {{colour c="green" text="School of Information "}}{{colour c="green" text="Renmin University of China "}} ===
**======{{colour c="green" text="李金山"}} ======**
====== {{colour c="blue" text="Jin-Shan Li"}} ======
==={{colour c="blue" text="Ph.D. Candidate "}}===
=== {{colour c="blue" text="School of Information "}}{{colour c="blue" text="Renmin University of China "}} ===
**======{{colour c="blue" text="李金山"}} ======**

Revision [432]

Edited on 2005-05-11 19:24:38 by JinshanLi
**======{{colour c="blue" text="李金山"}} ======**
======{{colour c="blue" text="**李金山**"}} ======

Revision [431]

Edited on 2005-05-11 19:23:57 by JinshanLi
======{{colour c="blue" text="**李金山**"}} ======
======={{colour c="blue" text="李金山"}} =======

Revision [430]

Edited on 2005-05-11 19:23:29 by JinshanLi
======={{colour c="blue" text="李金山"}} =======
====== {{colour c="blue" text="李金山"}} ======

Revision [429]

Edited on 2005-05-11 19:22:52 by JinshanLi
==={{colour c="blue" text="Ph.D. Candidate "}}===
=== {{colour c="blue" text="School of Information "}}{{colour c="blue" text="Renmin University of China "}} ===
==={{colour c="pink" text="Ph.D. Candidate "}}===
=== {{colour c="green" text="School of Information "}}{{colour c="red" text="Renmin University of China "}} ===

Revision [428]

Edited on 2005-05-11 19:21:43 by JinshanLi

No Differences

Revision [427]

Edited on 2005-05-11 19:21:10 by JinshanLi
====== {{colour c="blue" text="Jin-Shan Li"}} ======
==={{colour c="pink" text="Ph.D. Candidate "}}===
=== {{colour c="green" text="School of Information "}}{{colour c="red" text="Renmin University of China "}} ===
====== {{colour c="blue" text="Jin-Shan Li"}} ====== ==={{colour c="pink" text="Ph.D. Candidate "}} {{colour c="green" text="School of Information "}}{{colour c="red" text="Renmin University of China "}} ===

Revision [426]

Edited on 2005-05-11 19:20:34 by JinshanLi
====== {{colour c="blue" text="Jin-Shan Li"}} ====== ==={{colour c="pink" text="Ph.D. Candidate "}} {{colour c="green" text="School of Information "}}{{colour c="red" text="Renmin University of China "}} ===
====== {{colour c="blue" text="Jin-Shan Li"}} ======
==={{colour c="pink" text="Ph.D. Candidate "}} ===
==={{colour c="pink" text="School of Information "}} ===
=== {{colour c="pink" text="Renmin University of China "}} ===

Revision [424]

Edited on 2005-05-11 19:11:50 by JinshanLi
===={{colour c="green" text="人民大学信息学院博士研究生"}}====
======{{colour c="green" text="人民大学信息学院博士研究生"}}======

Revision [423]

Edited on 2005-05-11 19:11:11 by JinshanLi
====== {{colour c="blue" text="李金山"}} ======
======{{colour c="green" text="人民大学信息学院博士研究生"}}======
====== {{colour c="black" text="李金山"}} 人民大学信息学院博士研究生 ======

Revision [422]

Edited on 2005-05-11 19:09:03 by JinshanLi
====== {{colour c="black" text="李金山"}} 人民大学信息学院博士研究生 ======
====== 李金山 人民大学信息学院博士研究生 ======

Revision [421]

Edited on 2005-05-11 19:07:16 by JinshanLi
==={{colour c="pink" text="School of Information "}} ===
=== {{colour c="pink" text="Renmin University of China "}} ===
==={{colour c="yellow" text="School of Information "}} ===
=== {{colour c="yellow" text="Renmin University of China "}} ===

Revision [420]

Edited on 2005-05-11 19:06:43 by JinshanLi
==={{colour c="pink" text="Ph.D. Candidate "}} ===
==={{colour c="yellow" text="Ph.D. Candidate "}} ===

Revision [419]

Edited on 2005-05-11 19:06:16 by JinshanLi
==={{colour c="yellow" text="Ph.D. Candidate "}} ===
==={{colour c="yellow" text="School of Information "}} ===
=== {{colour c="yellow" text="Renmin University of China "}} ===
==={{colour c="blue" text="Ph.D. Candidate "}} ===
==={{colour c="blue" text="School of Information "}} ===
=== {{colour c="blue" text="Renmin University of China "}} ===

Revision [418]

Edited on 2005-05-11 19:04:57 by JinshanLi
====== {{colour c="blue" text="Jin-Shan Li"}} ======
==={{colour c="blue" text="Ph.D. Candidate "}} ===
==={{colour c="blue" text="School of Information "}} ===
=== {{colour c="blue" text="Renmin University of China "}} ===
======{{colour c="blue" text="Jin-Shan Li"}} gives:======
===Ph.D. Candidate ===
===School of Information ===
=== Renmin University of China ===

Revision [417]

Edited on 2005-05-11 19:02:47 by JinshanLi
======{{colour c="blue" text="Jin-Shan Li"}} gives:======
======''Jin-Shan Li''======

Revision [416]

Edited on 2005-05-11 19:00:41 by JinshanLi
======''Jin-Shan Li''======
===''Jin-Shan Li''===

Revision [415]

Edited on 2005-05-11 18:59:49 by JinshanLi
""<img src="uploads/UserImages/li.jpg" alt="Jin-shan Li" style="float: left; margin: 1.0%; padding: 0.5%;">""
<img src="uploads/UserImages/li.jpg" alt="Jin-shan Li" style="float: left; margin: 1.0%; padding: 0.5%;">""

Revision [414]

Edited on 2005-05-11 18:58:28 by JinshanLi
<img src="uploads/UserImages/li.jpg" alt="Jin-shan Li" style="float: left; margin: 1.0%; padding: 0.5%;">""
=====<img src="uploads/UserImages/li.jpg" alt="Jin-shan Li" style="float: left; margin: 1.0%; padding: 0.5%;">""=====

Revision [413]

Edited on 2005-05-11 18:51:43 by JinshanLi
====== 李金山 人民大学信息学院博士研究生 ======
======''李金山'' 人民大学信息学院博士研究生======

Revision [412]

Edited on 2005-05-11 18:51:10 by JinshanLi
======''李金山'' 人民大学信息学院博士研究生======
====''李金山'' 人民大学信息学院博士研究生====

Revision [411]

Edited on 2005-05-11 18:49:11 by JinshanLi
=== Renmin University of China ===
====''李金山'' 人民大学信息学院博士研究生====
===Renmin University of China ===
====李金山 人民大学信息学院博士研究生====

Revision [410]

Edited on 2005-05-11 18:48:39 by JinshanLi

No Differences

Revision [409]

Edited on 2005-05-11 18:47:23 by JinshanLi
====李金山 人民大学信息学院博士研究生====
=====李金山 人民大学信息学院博士研究生=====

Revision [408]

Edited on 2005-05-11 18:46:43 by JinshanLi

No Differences

Revision [407]

Edited on 2005-05-11 18:45:32 by JinshanLi
=====李金山 人民大学信息学院博士研究生=====
**李金山 人民大学信息学院博士研究生**

Revision [406]

Edited on 2005-05-11 18:44:51 by JinshanLi
**李金山 人民大学信息学院博士研究生**
===李金山 人民大学信息学院博士研究生===

Revision [405]

Edited on 2005-05-11 18:44:23 by JinshanLi
===李金山 人民大学信息学院博士研究生===
=======李金山 人民大学信息学院博士研究生=======

Revision [404]

Edited on 2005-05-11 18:44:08 by JinshanLi
=======李金山 人民大学信息学院博士研究生=======
=========== 李金山 人民大学信息学院博士研究生===========

Revision [403]

Edited on 2005-05-11 18:43:31 by JinshanLi
=========== 李金山 人民大学信息学院博士研究生===========
====== ''**李金山**'' 人民大学信息学院博士研究生======

Revision [402]

Edited on 2005-05-11 18:42:57 by JinshanLi
=====<img src="uploads/UserImages/li.jpg" alt="Jin-shan Li" style="float: left; margin: 1.0%; padding: 0.5%;">""=====
====== ''**李金山**'' 人民大学信息学院博士研究生======
""<img src="uploads/UserImages/li.jpg" alt="Jin-shan Li" style="float: left; margin: 1.0%; padding: 0.5%;">""
====== **李金山** 人民大学信息学院博士研究生======

Revision [401]

Edited on 2005-05-11 18:42:12 by JinshanLi
====== **李金山** 人民大学信息学院博士研究生======
====== ''**李金山**'' 人民大学信息学院博士研究生======

Revision [400]

Edited on 2005-05-11 18:41:19 by JinshanLi
""<img src="uploads/UserImages/li.jpg" alt="Jin-shan Li" style="float: left; margin: 1.0%; padding: 0.5%;">""
""<img src="uploads/UserImages/lijins.JPG" alt="Jin-shan Li" style="float: left; margin: 1.0%; padding: 0.5%;">""

Revision [399]

Edited on 2005-05-11 18:31:14 by JinshanLi
====== ''**李金山**'' 人民大学信息学院博士研究生======
====== ''李金山'' 人民大学信息学院博士研究生======

Revision [398]

Edited on 2005-05-11 18:29:22 by JinshanLi
====== ''李金山'' 人民大学信息学院博士研究生======
====== 李金山 人民大学信息学院博士研究生======

Revision [397]

Edited on 2005-05-11 18:28:05 by JinshanLi
===''Jin-Shan Li''===
===Jin-Shan Li===

Revision [396]

Edited on 2005-05-11 15:06:54 by JinshanLi
===Ph.D. Candidate ===
===School of Information ===
===Ph.D. Candidate in School of Information ===

Revision [395]

Edited on 2005-05-11 15:06:11 by JinshanLi
===Jin-Shan Li===
===Ph.D. Candidate in School of Information ===
===Renmin University of China ===
===Jin-Shan Li, Ph.D. Candidate in School of Information ===
===Renmin University of China ===

Revision [394]

Edited on 2005-05-11 15:05:14 by JinshanLi
===Jin-Shan Li, Ph.D. Candidate in School of Information ===
===Renmin University of China ===
===Jin-Shan Li, Ph.D. Candidate in School of Information//Renmin University of China ===

Revision [393]

Edited on 2005-05-11 15:03:40 by JinshanLi
===Jin-Shan Li, Ph.D. Candidate in School of Information//Renmin University of China ===
====Jin-Shan Li, Ph.D. Candidate in School of Information, Renmin University of China ==

Revision [392]

Edited on 2005-05-11 15:03:13 by JinshanLi
====Jin-Shan Li, Ph.D. Candidate in School of Information, Renmin University of China ==
====Jin-Shan Li, Ph.D. Candidate in School of Information, Renmin University of China ====

Revision [391]

Edited on 2005-05-11 15:02:55 by JinshanLi
====Jin-Shan Li, Ph.D. Candidate in School of Information, Renmin University of China ====
==Jin-Shan Li, Ph.D. Candidate in School of Information, Renmin University of China ==

Revision [390]

Edited on 2005-05-11 15:02:06 by JinshanLi
==Jin-Shan Li, Ph.D. Candidate in School of Information, Renmin University of China ==
===Jin-Shan Li, Ph.D. Candidate in School of Information, Renmin University of China ===

Revision [389]

Edited on 2005-05-11 15:01:41 by JinshanLi
===Jin-Shan Li, Ph.D. Candidate in School of Information, Renmin University of China ===
===Jin-Shan Li, Ph.D. candidate in School of Information, Renmin University ===

Revision [388]

Edited on 2005-05-11 14:03:55 by JinshanLi
[[ school of Information]][[ Renmin University of China]], Beijing 100872, China
[[ Information school]][[ Renmin University of China]], Beijing 100872, China

Revision [387]

Edited on 2005-05-11 14:02:21 by JinshanLi
[[ Information school]][[ Renmin University of China]], Beijing 100872, China
Information school, Renmin University, Beijing 100872, China

Revision [386]

Edited on 2005-05-11 13:58:04 by JinshanLi
''Email:'' [[]]

Revision [385]

Edited on 2005-05-11 13:53:00 by JinshanLi
~- Li, Jinshan, On integrated convex optimization in Banach space and its application in best approximation, [[ East J. Approx.]] 11 (2005), no. 1, 21--34; MR2118780
~- Li, Jinshan, On integrated convex optimization in Banach space and its application in best approximation, East J. Approx. 11 (2005), no. 1, 21--34; MR2118780

Revision [384]

Edited on 2005-05-11 13:31:03 by JinshanLi
J.-SH. Li was born on 13th, Jan., 1970 in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei province . He received his B.S. Degrees from Department of Mathematics, Hebei Normal College, and his M.S. degree from [[ College of Mathematics & Information Science]], [[ Hebei Normal University]]. After his graduation in 7, 1997, he have been working in the same college, Hebei University as a teacher. In 2002, He came into College of Economic & Management, Tsinghua University as a visting scholar for reserch in mathematics and finance. In sep. 2003, he become a Ph.D. candidate in Econometrics, Information School, Renmin University of China.
J.-SH. Li was born on 13th, Jan., 1970 in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei province . He received his B.S. Degrees from Department of Mathematics, Hebei Normal College, and his M.S. degree from College of Mathematics & Information Science, [[ Hebei Normal University]]. After his graduation in 7, 1997, he have been working in the same college, Hebei University as a teacher. In 2002, He came into College of Economic & Management, Tsinghua University as a visting scholar for reserch in mathematics and finance. In sep. 2003, he become a Ph.D. candidate in Econometrics, Information School, Renmin University of China.

Revision [383]

Edited on 2005-05-11 13:28:39 by JinshanLi
J.-SH. Li was born on 13th, Jan., 1970 in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei province . He received his B.S. Degrees from Department of Mathematics, Hebei Normal College, and his M.S. degree from College of Mathematics & Information Science, [[ Hebei Normal University]]. After his graduation in 7, 1997, he have been working in the same college, Hebei University as a teacher. In 2002, He came into College of Economic & Management, Tsinghua University as a visting scholar for reserch in mathematics and finance. In sep. 2003, he become a Ph.D. candidate in Econometrics, Information School, Renmin University of China.
J.-SH. Li was born on 13th, Jan., 1970 in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei province . He received his B.S. Degrees from Department of Mathematics, Hebei Normal College, and his M.S. degree from College of Mathematics & Information Science, Hebei Normal University. After his graduation in 7, 1997, he have been working in the same college, Hebei University as a teacher. In 2002, He came into College of Economic & Management, Tsinghua University as a visting scholar for reserch in mathematics and finance. In sep. 2003, he become a Ph.D. candidate in Econometrics, Information School, Renmin University of China.

Revision [365]

Edited on 2005-05-11 12:45:57 by JinshanLi
====== 李金山 人民大学信息学院博士研究生======
====== 李金山 人大博士研究生======

Revision [364]

Edited on 2005-05-11 12:44:55 by JinshanLi
===Jin-Shan Li, Ph.D. candidate in School of Information, Renmin University ===
===Jin-Shan Li, Ph.D. candidate in Information School, Renmin University ===

Revision [363]

Edited on 2005-05-11 12:43:59 by JinshanLi
""<img src="uploads/UserImages/lijins.JPG" alt="Jin-shan Li" style="float: left; margin: 1.0%; padding: 0.5%;">""
""<img src="uploads/UserImages/lijs.JPG" alt="Jin-shan Li" style="float: left; margin: 1.0%; padding: 0.5%;">""

Revision [357]

Edited on 2005-05-11 11:42:37 by JinshanLi
""<img src="uploads/UserImages/lijs.JPG" alt="Jin-shan Li" style="float: left; margin: 1.0%; padding: 0.5%;">""
""<img src="uploads/UserImages/ljs.JPG" alt="Jin-shan Li" style="float: left; margin: 1.0%; padding: 0.5%;">""

Revision [356]

Edited on 2005-05-11 11:36:10 by JinshanLi
""<img src="uploads/UserImages/ljs.JPG" alt="Jin-shan Li" style="float: left; margin: 1.0%; padding: 0.5%;">""
""<img src="uploads/UserImages/ljs.jpg" alt="Jin-shan Li" style="float: left; margin: 1.0%; padding: 0.5%;">""

Revision [355]

Edited on 2005-05-11 11:35:37 by JinshanLi
""<img src="uploads/UserImages/ljs.jpg" alt="Jin-shan Li" style="float: left; margin: 1.0%; padding: 0.5%;">""
""<img src="uploads/UserImages/Lijinshan.jpg" alt="ljs" style="float: left; margin: 1.0%; padding: 0.5%;">""

Revision [354]

Edited on 2005-05-11 11:34:38 by JinshanLi
""<img src="uploads/UserImages/Lijinshan.jpg" alt="ljs" style="float: left; margin: 1.0%; padding: 0.5%;">""
""<img src="uploads/UserImages/Lijinshan.jpg" alt="Jin-Shan Li" style="float: left; margin: 1.0%; padding: 0.5%;">""

Revision [353]

Edited on 2005-05-11 11:09:47 by JinshanLi
~- ""Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP, Office, Fortran, Matlab, C++, LaTeX""
~- 1995~1996, Fellowship, Hebei Normal College
~- I-go, Pingpong, Basketball, climbing etc.
~- ""Windows 95/98/NT/2000, Fortran, Matlab, C++, LaTeX""
~- 2002-2003, Fellowship, Chinese Academy of Sciences
~- History, Pingpong, Football, etc.

Revision [352]

Edited on 2005-05-11 11:01:07 by JinshanLi
J.-SH. Li was born on 13th, Jan., 1970 in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei province . He received his B.S. Degrees from Department of Mathematics, Hebei Normal College, and his M.S. degree from College of Mathematics & Information Science, Hebei Normal University. After his graduation in 7, 1997, he have been working in the same college, Hebei University as a teacher. In 2002, He came into College of Economic & Management, Tsinghua University as a visting scholar for reserch in mathematics and finance. In sep. 2003, he become a Ph.D. candidate in Econometrics, Information School, Renmin University of China.
=== Working Experience ===
~- Asistant Teacher, 1997.7 ~1999.7, College of mathematics & Information Science, Hebei Normal University
~- lector, 1999,7 ~ 2003.9, College of mathematics & Information Science, Hebei Normal University
~- Visiting scholar, 2002.9 ~ 2003.7, College of Economic & Management, Tsinghua University
~- Functional analysis and Best nonlinear approximation in locally convex spaces and Banach spaces
~- Neural networks and SVM
~- Mathematic economics and finance analysis
J.-SH. Li was born on 13th, Jan., 1970 in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei province . He received his B.S. Degrees from Department of Mathematics, Hebei Normal College, and his S.M. degree from College of Mathematics and information, Hebei Normal University. After his graduation in 9, 1997, he have been working in the same college, Hebei University as a teacher. In 2002, He came into College of Economic & Management, Tsinghua University as a visting scholar for reserch in mathematics and finance. In sep. 2003, he become a Ph.D. candidate in Econometrics, Information School, Renmin University of China.
~- Functional analysis and Best nonlinear approximation locally convex spaces and Banach spaces
~- Neural networks
~- Mathematic economics and financial analysis

Revision [351]

Edited on 2005-05-11 10:45:47 by JinshanLi
~- A Model for Protein's Tertiary Structure Prediction
~- ""Windows 95/98/NT/2000, Fortran, Matlab, C++, LaTeX""
~- A SOM Neural Network Model for Protein's Tertiary Structure Prediction
~- ""Windows 95/98/NT/2000, Unix/Linux, Fortran, Matlab, HTML, LaTeX""

Revision [350]

Edited on 2005-05-11 10:36:41 by JinshanLi
J.-SH. Li was born on 13th, Jan., 1970 in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei province . He received his B.S. Degrees from Department of Mathematics, Hebei Normal College, and his S.M. degree from College of Mathematics and information, Hebei Normal University. After his graduation in 9, 1997, he have been working in the same college, Hebei University as a teacher. In 2002, He came into College of Economic & Management, Tsinghua University as a visting scholar for reserch in mathematics and finance. In sep. 2003, he become a Ph.D. candidate in Econometrics, Information School, Renmin University of China.
~- B.S., 1990.9 ~ 1994.7, Department of Mathematics, Hebei Normal College.
~- M.S., 1994.9 ~ 1997.7, College of Mathematics & Information Sciences, Hebei Normal University.
~- ph.D, 2003.9 ~ Now, School of Information, Renmin University of China.
~- Functional analysis and Best nonlinear approximation locally convex spaces and Banach spaces
~- Mathematic economics and financial analysis
J.-SH. Li was born on 13th, Jan., 1970 in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei province . He received his B.S. Degrees from Department of Mathematics, Hebei Normal College, and his S.M. degree from College of Mathematics and information, Hebei Normal University. After his graduation in 9, 1997, he have been working in the same college, Hebei University as a teacher. In 2002, He came into economic and management college, Tsinghua University as a visting scholar for reserch in mathematics and finance. In sep. 2003, he become a Ph.D. candidate in Econometrics, Information School, Renmin University of China.
~- B.S., 1996.9 ~ 2000.7, College of Mathematics, Peking University.
~- Ph.D., 2000.9 ~ Now, Academy of Mathematics & System Sciences, CAS .

Revision [297]

Edited on 2005-04-30 15:12:01 by JinshanLi
===Jin-Shan Li, Ph.D. candidate in Information School, Renmin University ===
====== Jin-Shan Li, Ph.D. candidate in Information School, Renmin University ======

Revision [296]

Edited on 2005-04-30 14:59:55 by JinshanLi
====== 李金山 人大博士研究生======
====== **李金山 人大博士研究生** ======

Revision [295]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2005-04-30 14:56:49 by JinshanLi
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