Revision history for JiguangWangPulicationMore

Revision [6712]

Last edited on 2013-08-25 09:55:09 by JiguangWang
~1) E3-ubiquitin ligase Nedd4 determines the fate of AID-associated RNA polymerase II in B cells.
~1) NOA: A Cytoscape Plugin for Network Ontology Analysis.
~~ E3-ubiquitin ligase Nedd4 determines the fate of AID-associated RNA polymerase II in B cells.
~~ NOA: A Cytoscape Plugin for Network Ontology Analysis.

Revision [6711]

Edited on 2013-08-25 09:54:28 by JiguangWang

{{image class="left" alt="srep logo" url="images/users/wjg20.png" link=""}}
~~ E3-ubiquitin ligase Nedd4 determines the fate of AID-associated RNA polymerase II in B cells.
~~ Jianbo Sun, Celia D. Keim, **[[ Jiguang Wang]]**, David Kazadi1, Paula M. Oliver, Raul Rabadan and Uttiya Basu
~~ //Genes & Dev.//, 27: 1821-1833, 2013. ** {{image alt="New!" title="New!" url="images/new.gif"}} ** ---

{{image class="left" alt="srep logo" url="images/users/wjg19.gif" link=""}}
~~ NOA: A Cytoscape Plugin for Network Ontology Analysis.
~~ Chao Zhang*, **[[ Jiguang Wang*]]**, Kristina Hanspers, Dong Xu, Luonan Chen, Alexander R. Pico.
~~ //Bioinformatics//, 29 (16): 2066-2067, 2013. ** {{image alt="New!" title="New!" url="images/new.gif"}} ** (* co-first authors)
~~ [[ NOA is now available in Cytoscape!! App store and Plug-in manager]] ** {{image alt="New!" title="New!" url="images/new.gif"}} ** ---

Revision [6574]

Edited on 2013-05-28 01:47:42 by JiguangWang
~~& //Scientific Reports//, 3 : 1097, DOI: 10.1038/srep01097, 2013.
~~& //Scientific Report//, 3 : 1097, DOI: 10.1038/srep01097, 2013.

Revision [6163]

Edited on 2013-01-30 07:29:15 by JiguangWang
~1) [[ APG: an Active Protein-Gene Network Model to Quantify Regulatory Signals in Complex Biological Systems.]]
~~& **[[ Jiguang Wang]]**, Yidan Sun, Si Zheng, Xiang-Sun Zhang, Hua-Rong Zhou, Luonan Chen.
~~& //Scientific Report//, 3 : 1097, DOI: 10.1038/srep01097, 2013.

Revision [6120]

Edited on 2012-11-30 05:36:04 by JiguangWang
~~& //BMC Bioinformatics//, 13:70 doi:10.1186/1471-2105-13-70, 2012.(IF=2.751) (highly accessed)
~~& //BMC Bioinformatics//, 13:70 doi:10.1186/1471-2105-13-70, 2012.(IF=2.751)

Revision [6118]

Edited on 2012-11-29 06:26:35 by JiguangWang
~~& Xiaoping Liu*, **[[ Jiguang Wang*]]**, Luonan Chen.
~~& //Cancer Letters//, 2012. (IF=4.238) (* co-first authors)
~~& Xiaoping Liu, **[[ Jiguang Wang]]**, Luonan Chen.
~~& //Cancer Letters//, 2012. (IF=4.238)

Revision [6110]

Edited on 2012-11-20 12:04:23 by JiguangWang
~~& //Cancer Letters//, 2012. (IF=4.238)
~~& //Cancer Letters//, 2012

Revision [6109]

Edited on 2012-11-20 11:34:43 by JiguangWang
~1) [[ Whole-exome Sequencing Reveals Recurrent Somatic Mutation Networks in Cancer.]]
~~& Xiaoping Liu, **[[ Jiguang Wang]]**, Luonan Chen.
~~& //Cancer Letters//, 2012

Revision [6054]

Edited on 2012-09-12 21:48:49 by JiguangWang
~~& //The Journal of Experimental Medicine //, 209(9): 1537-1551, 2012. (IF=14.7)
~~& //The Journal of Experimental Medicine //, 209(9): 1537-1551, 2012

Revision [6050]

Edited on 2012-09-08 02:36:26 by JiguangWang
~1) [[ The coding genome of splenic marginal zone lymphoma: activation of NOTCH2 and other pathways regulating marginal zone development.]]
~~& Davide Rossi, Vladimir Trifonov, Marco Fangazio, Alessio Bruscaggin, Silvia Rasi, Valeria Spina, Sara Monti, Tiziana Vaisitti, Francesca Arruga, Rosella Famà, Carmela Ciardullo, Mariangela Greco, Stefania Cresta, Daniela Piranda, Antony Holmes, Giulia Fabbri, Monica Messina, Andrea Rinaldi, **[[ Jiguang Wang]]**, Claudio Agostinelli, Pier Paolo Piccaluga, Marco Lucioni, Fabrizio Tabbò, Roberto Serra, Silvia Franceschetti, Clara Deambrogi, Giulia Daniele, Valter Gattei, Roberto Marasca, Fabio Facchetti, Luca Arcaini, Giorgio Inghirami, Francesco Bertoni, Stefano A Pileri, Silvia Deaglio, Robin Foà, Riccardo Dalla-Favera, Laura Pasqualucci, Raul Rabadan, Gianluca Gaidano
~~& //The Journal of Experimental Medicine //, 209(9): 1537-1551, 2012

Revision [5991]

Edited on 2012-07-12 04:01:26 by JiguangWang
~~& Jun-Fei Zhao, **[[ Jiguang Wang]]**(*), Xiang-Sun Zhang.
~~& Yong Wang, **[[ Jiguang Wang]]**, Chen Chen, Xiang-Sun Zhang.
~~& Shoujun Xu, **[[ Jiguang Wang]]**, Junhua Zhang, Xiang-Sun Zhang.
~~& Jun-Fei Zhao, Jiguang Wang(*), Xiang-Sun Zhang.
~~& Yong Wang, Jiguang Wang, Chen Chen, Xiang-Sun Zhang.
~~& Shoujun Xu, Jiguang Wang, Junhua Zhang, Xiang-Sun Zhang.

Revision [5990]

Edited on 2012-07-12 04:00:12 by JiguangWang
~~& Yongcui Wang, **[[ Jiguang Wang]]**, Zhixia Yang, Naiyang Deng,
~~& Lin Wang, Yuqing Qiu, **[[ Jiguang Wang]]**, Xiang-Sun Zhang.
~~& **[[ Jiguang Wang]]**, Yong Wang, Xianwen Ren, Wei Guo, Luonan Chen.
~~& **[[ Jiguang Wang]]**, Lin Wang, Yu-Qing Qiu, Yong Wang, Xiang-Sun Zhang,
~~& Lin Wang, **[[ Jiguang Wang]]**, Xiang-Sun Zhang, Luonan Chen.
~~& Wenjuan Zhang, Wei-Hua Tang, **[[ Jiguang Wang]]**, Zhiping Liu, Xing-Ming Zhao, Luonan Chen.
~~& Yongcui Wang, **[[ Ji-Guang Wang]]**, Zhixia Yang, Naiyang Deng,
~~& Lin Wang, Yuqing Qiu, **[[ Ji-Guang Wang]]**, Xiang-Sun Zhang.
~~& **[[ Ji-Guang Wang]]**, Yong Wang, Xianwen Ren, Wei Guo, Luonan Chen.
~~& **[[ Ji-Guang Wang]]**, Lin Wang, Yu-Qing Qiu, Yong Wang, Xiang-Sun Zhang,
~~& Lin Wang, **[[ Ji-Guang Wang]]**, Xiang-Sun Zhang, Luonan Chen.
~~& Wenjuan Zhang, Wei-Hua Tang, **[[ Ji-Guang Wang]]**, Zhiping Liu, Xing-Ming Zhao, Luonan Chen.
~~& //Lecture Notes in Operations Research,// The Third International Symposium, OSB'09 Zhangjiajie, China, September 20-22, 2009 Proceedings. --- ---

Revision [5989]

Edited on 2012-07-12 03:58:58 by JiguangWang
~1) [[ Uncover the Transient Transcriptional Regulations by a Novel Sliding Window Correlation Strategy.]]
~~& **[[ Ji-Guang Wang]]**, Yong Wang, Xianwen Ren, Wei Guo, Luonan Chen.
~~& // ISB//, 2010.
~1) [[ A Constrained Optimization Method for Community Detection.]]
~~& **[[ Ji-Guang Wang]]**, Lin Wang, Yu-Qing Qiu, Yong Wang, Xiang-Sun Zhang,
~~& //Lecture Notes in Operations Research,// The Third International Symposium, OSB'09 Zhangjiajie, China, September 20-22, 2009 Proceedings.
~1) [[ Align protein surface structures to identify evolutionally and structurally conserved residues.]]
~~& Lin Wang, **[[ Ji-Guang Wang]]**, Xiang-Sun Zhang, Luonan Chen.
~~& //Lecture Notes in Operations Research,// The Third International Symposium, OSB'09 Zhangjiajie, China, September 20-22, 2009 Proceedings.
~1) [[ Analysis of Transcriptome of Rice Anther]]
~~& Wenjuan Zhang, Wei-Hua Tang, **[[ Ji-Guang Wang]]**, Zhiping Liu, Xing-Ming Zhao, Luonan Chen.
~~& //Lecture Notes in Operations Research,// The Third International Symposium, OSB'09 Zhangjiajie, China, September 20-22, 2009 Proceedings. --- ---
~1) [[ A SVC-based Method to Detect Multi-scalar Noisy Communities in Complex Networks.]]
~~& Jun-Fei Zhao, Jiguang Wang(*), Xiang-Sun Zhang.
~~& //The Tenth International Symposium on Operations Research and Its Applications (ISORA 2011)//, pp. 133-143
~1) [[ A Regularized Optimization Model for Community Identification in Complex Networks]]
~~& Yong Wang, Jiguang Wang, Chen Chen, Xiang-Sun Zhang.
~~& //The Tenth International Symposium on Operations Research and Its Applications (ISORA 2011)//, pp. 147-156
~1) [[ Multiple Resolution Community Structure Analysis]]
~~& Shoujun Xu, Jiguang Wang, Junhua Zhang, Xiang-Sun Zhang.
~~& //The Tenth International Symposium on Operations Research and Its Applications (ISORA 2011)//, pp. 334-349
~1) [[ Gene Prioritization for Type 2 Diabetes in Tissue-specific Protein Interaction Networks.]]
~~& Biao-bin Jiang, **[[ Jiguang Wang]]**,Jing-fa Xiao, Yong Wang.
~~& //[[ The Third International Symposium Proceedings of Optimization & Systems Biology]]//, Zhangjiajie, China, Sept. 20-22, 2009.
~1) [[ 最优公交线路选择问题的数学模型及算法]] [[ ::PDF download::]]
~~& 周文峰, 李珍萍, 刘洪伟, **[[ 王吉光]]**.
~~& //运筹与管理//, 17(5): 80-84, 2008.
~1) [[ 水锤法洗“干水井”效果好]]. [[ ::PDF download::]]
~~& 王元行, 于洪芳, 王华敏, **[[ 王吉光]]**, 王吉强, 王红卫.
~~& //地下水//, 25(1): 44-45, 2003.
~1) **[[ Ji-Guang Wang]]**, Yong Wang, Xianwen Ren, Wei Guo, Luonan Chen---[[ Uncover the Transient Transcriptional Regulations by a Novel Sliding Window Correlation Strategy.]] ---// ISB//, 2010.
~1) **[[ Ji-Guang Wang]]**, Lin Wang, Yu-Qing Qiu, Yong Wang, Xiang-Sun Zhang, ---[[ A Constrained Optimization Method for Community Detection.]] ---//Lecture Notes in Operations Research,// The Third International Symposium, OSB'09 Zhangjiajie, China, September 20-22, 2009 Proceedings. --- ---
~1) Lin Wang, **[[ Ji-Guang Wang]]**, Xiang-Sun Zhang, Luonan Chen. ---[[ Align protein surface structures to identify evolutionally and structurally conserved residues.]] ---//Lecture Notes in Operations Research,// The Third International Symposium, OSB'09 Zhangjiajie, China, September 20-22, 2009 Proceedings. --- ---
~1) Wenjuan Zhang, Wei-Hua Tang, **[[ Ji-Guang Wang]]**, Zhiping Liu, Xing-Ming Zhao, Luonan Chen.---[[ Analysis of Transcriptome of Rice Anther]] ---//Lecture Notes in Operations Research,// The Third International Symposium, OSB'09 Zhangjiajie, China, September 20-22, 2009 Proceedings. --- ---
~1) Jun-Fei Zhao, Jiguang Wang, Xiang-Sun Zhang.---**[[ A SVC-based Method to Detect Multi-scalar Noisy Communities in Complex Networks]].**--- The Tenth International Symposium on Operations Research and Its Applications (ISORA 2011), pp. 133-143
~1) Yong Wang, Jiguang Wang, Chen Chen, Xiang-Sun Zhang.---**[[ A Regularized Optimization Model for
Community Identi?cation in Complex Networks]].**--- The Tenth International Symposium on Operations Research and Its Applications (ISORA 2011), pp. 147-156
~1)Shoujun Xu, Jiguang Wang, Junhua Zhang, Xiang-Sun Zhang.---**[[ Multiple Resolution Community Structure
Analysis]].**--- The Tenth International Symposium on Operations Research and Its Applications (ISORA 2011), pp. 334-349
~1) **[[ Biao-bin Jiang]]**, [[ Ji-Guang Wang]], [[ Jing-fa Xiao]], [[ Yong Wang]]. ---[[ Gene Prioritization for Type 2 Diabetes in Tissue-specific Protein Interaction Networks.]]---//[[ The Third International Symposium Proceedings of Optimization & Systems Biology]]//, Zhangjiajie, China, Sept. 20-22, 2009.
~1) 周文峰, 李珍萍, 刘洪伟, **[[ 王吉光]]**.--- [[ 最优公交线路选择问题的数学模型及算法]]. [[ ::PDF download::]]--- //运筹与管理//, 17(5): 80-84, 2008. --- ---
~1) 王元行, 于洪芳, 王华敏, **[[ 王吉光]]**, 王吉强, 王红卫. ---[[ 水锤法洗“干水井”效果好]]. [[ ::PDF download::]]--- //地下水//, 25(1): 44-45, 2003.

Revision [5988]

Edited on 2012-07-12 03:49:48 by JiguangWang
~~& //BMC Bioinformatics//, 13(Suppl 7):S6 doi:10.1186/1471-2105-13-S7-S6, 2012.(IF=2.751)
~~& //BMC Bioinformatics//, 13:70 doi:10.1186/1471-2105-13-70, 2012.(IF=2.751)
~~& //BMC Systems Biology//, 5(Suppl 1):S16, 2011.(IF=3.148)
~1) [[ Sequence-based protein-protein interaction prediction via support vector machine.]] [[ ::PDF download::]]
~~& Yongcui Wang, **[[ Ji-Guang Wang]]**, Zhixia Yang, Naiyang Deng,
~~& //Jrl Syst Sci & Complexity//, 23: 1012-1023, 2010.(IF=0.373)
~1) [[ Recognition of structure similarities in proteins]]. [[ ::PDF download::]]
~~& Lin Wang, Yuqing Qiu, **[[ Ji-Guang Wang]]**, Xiang-Sun Zhang.
~~& //Jrl Syst Sci & Complexity//, 21: 665-675, 2008.(IF=0.373)
~1) **[[ Ji-Guang Wang]]**, Yong Wang, Xianwen Ren, Wei Guo, Luonan Chen---[[ Uncover the Transient Transcriptional Regulations by a Novel Sliding Window Correlation Strategy.]] ---// ISB//, 2010.
~1) **[[ Biao-bin Jiang]]**, [[ Ji-Guang Wang]], [[ Jing-fa Xiao]], [[ Yong Wang]]. ---[[ Gene Prioritization for Type 2 Diabetes in Tissue-specific Protein Interaction Networks.]]---//[[ The Third International Symposium Proceedings of Optimization & Systems Biology]]//, Zhangjiajie, China, Sept. 20-22, 2009.
~~& //BMC Bioinformatics//, 13(Suppl 7):S6 doi:10.1186/1471-2105-13-S7-S6, 2012.
~~& //BMC Bioinformatics//, 13:70 doi:10.1186/1471-2105-13-70, 2012.
~~& //BMC Systems Biology//, 5(Suppl 1):S16, 2011.
~1) Yongcui Wang, **[[ Ji-Guang Wang]]**, Zhixia Yang, Naiyang Deng,---[[ Sequence-based protein-protein interaction prediction via support vector machine.]] [[ ::PDF download::]]---//Jrl Syst Sci & Complexity//, 23: 1012-1023, 2010. --- ---
~1) **[[ Ji-Guang Wang]]**, Yong Wang, Xianwen Ren, Wei Guo, Luonan Chen---[[ Uncover the Transient Transcriptional Regulations by a Novel Sliding Window Correlation Strategy.]] ---// ISB//, 2010. (Conference). --- ---
~1) **[[ Ji-Guang Wang]]**, Yuqing Qiu, Rui-Sheng Wang, Xiang-Sun Zhang. ---[[ Remarks on network community properties]]. [[ ::PDF download::]]--- //Jrl Syst Sci & Complexity//, 21: 637-644, 2008. --- ---
~1) Lin Wang, Yuqing Qiu, **[[ Ji-Guang Wang]]**, Xiang-Sun Zhang. ---[[ Recognition of structure similarities in proteins]]. [[ ::PDF download::]].--- //Jrl Syst Sci & Complexity//, 21: 665-675, 2008. --- ---
~1) **[[ Biao-bin Jiang]]**, [[ Ji-Guang Wang]], [[ Jing-fa Xiao]], [[ Yong Wang]]. ---[[ Gene Prioritization for Type 2 Diabetes in Tissue-specific Protein Interaction Networks.]]---//[[ The Third International Symposium Proceedings of Optimization & Systems Biology]]//, Zhangjiajie, China, Sept. 20-22, 2009. --- ---

Revision [5987]

Edited on 2012-07-12 03:41:40 by JiguangWang
~~& //PLoS Comput Biol//, 5(9): e1000521. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000521, 2009.(IF=5.215)
~~& // Europhysics Letters//, 87: 38002, 2009. [[ :::EPL Best of 2009 collection:::]] (IF=2.171)
~1) [[ Remarks on network community properties]] [[ ::PDF download::]]
~~& //Jrl Syst Sci & Complexity//, 21: 637-644, 2008. (IF=0.373)
~~& //PLoS Comput Biol//, 5(9): e1000521. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000521, 2009.(IF=5.515)
~~& // Europhysics Letters//, 87: 38002, 2009. [[ :::EPL Best of 2009 collection:::]] (IF=2.753)
~1) [[ Remarks on network community properties]]
~~& //Jrl Syst Sci & Complexity//, 21: 637-644, 2008.
~~& [[ ::PDF download::]] ---

Revision [5986]

Edited on 2012-07-12 03:35:49 by JiguangWang
~1) [[ Modularity optimization in community detection of complex networks.]] [[ ::PDF download::]]
~~& // Europhysics Letters//, 87: 38002, 2009. [[ :::EPL Best of 2009 collection:::]] (IF=2.753)
~1) [[ Modularity optimization in community detection of complex networks.]]
~~& // Europhysics Letters//, 87: 38002, 2009. (IF=2.753)
~~& [[ ::PDF download::]] [[ :::EPL Best of 2009 collection:::]]

Revision [5985]

Edited on 2012-07-12 03:34:57 by JiguangWang
~~& //PLoS Comput Biol//, 5(9): e1000521. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000521, 2009.(IF=5.515)
~~& // Europhysics Letters//, 87: 38002, 2009. (IF=2.753)
~~& [[ ::PDF download::]] [[ :::EPL Best of 2009 collection:::]]
~~& //PLoS Comput Biol//, 5(9): e1000521. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000521, 2009.---
~~& // Europhysics Letters//, 87: 38002, 2009.
~~& [[ ::PDF download::]] [[ :::This paper is selected as EPL Best of 2009 collection:::]]

Revision [5984]

Edited on 2012-07-12 03:32:20 by JiguangWang
~1) [[ NOA: a novel Network Ontology Analysis method.]] [[ :::NOA Webserver:::]]
~~& //Nucleic Acids Research//, doi: 10.1093/nar/gkr251, 2011. [[ :::F1000:::]] (IF=8.026)
~1) [[ NOA: a novel Network Ontology Analysis method.]]
~~& //Nucleic Acids Research//, doi: 10.1093/nar/gkr251, 2011.[[ ::NOA Webserver::]] [[ :::F1000:::]] (IF=8.026)

Revision [5983]

Edited on 2012-07-12 03:31:11 by JiguangWang
~~& //Journal of Molecular Cell Biology // 4(3), doi: 10.1093/jmcb/mjs029, 2012 (* co-first authors).(IF=7.667)
~~& //Nucleic Acids Research//, doi: 10.1093/nar/gkr251, 2011.[[ ::NOA Webserver::]] [[ :::F1000:::]] (IF=8.026)
~~& //Journal of Molecular Cell Biology // 4(3), doi: 10.1093/jmcb/mjs029, 2012 (* co-first authors).
~~& //Nucleic Acids Research//, doi: 10.1093/nar/gkr251, 2011.
~~& [[ ::NOA Webserver::]] [[ :::This paper has been evaluated by F1000:::]] ** {{image alt="New!" title="New!" url="images/new.gif"}} ** ---

Revision [5982]

Edited on 2012-07-12 03:21:10 by JiguangWang
~1) **[[ Biao-bin Jiang]]**, [[ Ji-Guang Wang]], [[ Jing-fa Xiao]], [[ Yong Wang]]. ---[[ Gene Prioritization for Type 2 Diabetes in Tissue-specific Protein Interaction Networks.]]---//[[ The Third International Symposium Proceedings of Optimization & Systems Biology]]//, Zhangjiajie, China, Sept. 20-22, 2009. --- ---

Revision [5981]

Edited on 2012-07-12 03:17:36 by JiguangWang
~1) **[[ Ji-Guang Wang]]**, Lin Wang, Yu-Qing Qiu, Yong Wang, Xiang-Sun Zhang, ---[[ A Constrained Optimization Method for Community Detection.]] [[ ::Supplementary Materials::]]---//The Third International Symposium Proceedings//, OSB'09 Zhangjiajie, China, September 20-22, 2009 . --- ---

Revision [5980]

Edited on 2012-07-12 03:15:06 by JiguangWang
~1) Jun-Fei Zhao, Jiguang Wang, Xiang-Sun Zhang.---**[[ A SVC-based Method to Detect Multi-scalar Noisy Communities in Complex Networks]].**--- The Tenth International Symposium on Operations Research and Its Applications (ISORA 2011), pp. 133-143
~1) Yong Wang, Jiguang Wang, Chen Chen, Xiang-Sun Zhang.---**[[ A Regularized Optimization Model for
Community Identi?cation in Complex Networks]].**--- The Tenth International Symposium on Operations Research and Its Applications (ISORA 2011), pp. 147-156
~1)Shoujun Xu, Jiguang Wang, Junhua Zhang, Xiang-Sun Zhang.---**[[ Multiple Resolution Community Structure
Analysis]].**--- The Tenth International Symposium on Operations Research and Its Applications (ISORA 2011), pp. 334-349

Revision [5979]

Edited on 2012-07-12 03:12:31 by JiguangWang

No Differences

Revision [5978]

Edited on 2012-07-12 03:11:14 by JiguangWang
~1) Yongcui Wang, **[[ Ji-Guang Wang]]**, Zhi-Xia Yang, Naiyang Deng.---[[ Prediction of Protein-Protein Interaction Based Only on Coding Sequences]] ---//Lecture Notes in Operations Research,// The Third International Symposium, OSB'09 Zhangjiajie, China, September 20-22, 2009 Proceedings. --- ---

Revision [5977]

Edited on 2012-07-12 03:09:39 by JiguangWang
~1) Wei Song*, Jiguang Wang*, Ying Yang, Nai-He Jing, Xiang-Sun Zhang, Luonan Chen, Jia-Rui Wu --- **[[ Rewiring drug-activated p53-regulatory network from suppressing to promoting tumorigenesis.]]** --- //Journal of Molecular Cell Biology//, doi:10.1093/jmcb/mjs029 (* co-first authors).--- ---
~1) **[[ Ji-Guang Wang]]**, Qiang Huang, Zhi-Ping Liu, Yong Wang, Ling-Yun Wu, Luonan Chen, Xiang-Sun Zhang,---[[ NOA: a novel Network Ontology Analysis method.]] ---//Nucleic Acids Research//, doi: 10.1093/nar/gkr251, 2011. [[ ::NOA Webserver::]] ** {{image alt="New!" title="New!" url="images/new.gif"}} ** --- [[ :::This paper has been evaluated by F1000:::]] ** {{image alt="New!" title="New!" url="images/new.gif"}} ** --- ---
~1) **[[ Ji-Guang Wang]]**, Shihua Zhang, Yong Wang, Luonan Chen, and Xiang-Sun Zhang. ---[[ Disease-aging network reveals significant roles of aging genes in connecting genetic diseases.]] [[ ::PDF download::]] --- //PLoS Comput Biol//, 5(9): e1000521. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000521, 2009. --- ---
~1) Huarong Zhou, Shigeru Saito, Guaniyng Piao, Zhi-Ping Liu, **[[ Ji-Guang Wang]]**, Katsuhisa Horimoto, Luonan Chen---[[ Network screening of Goto-Kakizaki rat liver microarray data during diabetic progression.]] ---//BMC Systems Biology//, 5(Suppl 1):S16, 2011. --- ---
~1) Xiang-Sun Zhang, Rui-Sheng Wang, Yong Wang, **[[ Ji-Guang Wang]]**, Yu-Qing Qiu, Lin Wang, and Luonan Chen. --- [[ Modularity optimization in community detection of complex networks.]] [[ ::PDF download::]]--- // Europhysics Letters//, 87: 38002, 2009. --- [[ :::This paper is selected as EPL Best of 2009 collection:::]]--- ---

Revision [5976]

Edited on 2012-07-12 02:53:07 by JiguangWang
~1) [[ Rewiring drug-activated p53-regulatory network from suppressing to promoting tumorigenesis.]]
~~& Wei Song*, **[[ Jiguang Wang*]]**, Ying Yang, Nai-He Jing, Xiang-Sun Zhang, Luonan Chen, Jia-Rui Wu
~~& //Journal of Molecular Cell Biology // 4(3), doi: 10.1093/jmcb/mjs029, 2012 (* co-first authors).
~1) [[ NOA: a novel Network Ontology Analysis method.]]
~~& **[[ Jiguang Wang]]**, Qiang Huang, Zhi-Ping Liu, Yong Wang, Ling-Yun Wu, Luonan Chen, Xiang-Sun Zhang.
~~& //Nucleic Acids Research//, doi: 10.1093/nar/gkr251, 2011.
~~& [[ ::NOA Webserver::]] [[ :::This paper has been evaluated by F1000:::]] ** {{image alt="New!" title="New!" url="images/new.gif"}} ** ---
~1) [[ Disease-aging network reveals significant roles of aging genes in connecting genetic diseases.]]
~~& **[[ Jiguang Wang]]**, Shihua Zhang, Yong Wang, Luonan Chen, and Xiang-Sun Zhang.
~~& //PLoS Comput Biol//, 5(9): e1000521. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000521, 2009.---
~1) [[ Modularity optimization in community detection of complex networks.]]
~~& Xiang-Sun Zhang, Rui-Sheng Wang, Yong Wang, **[[ Jiguang Wang]]**, Yu-Qing Qiu, Lin Wang, and Luonan Chen.
~~& // Europhysics Letters//, 87: 38002, 2009.
~~& [[ ::PDF download::]] [[ :::This paper is selected as EPL Best of 2009 collection:::]]
~1) [[ Remarks on network community properties]]
~~& **[[ Jiguang Wang]]**, Yuqing Qiu, Rui-Sheng Wang, Xiang-Sun Zhang.
~~& //Jrl Syst Sci & Complexity//, 21: 637-644, 2008.
~~& [[ ::PDF download::]] ---
~1) [[ Inferring Protein-Protein Interactions Based on Sequences and Interologs in Mycobacterium Tuberculosis.]]
~~& Zhi-Ping Liu, **[[ Jiguang Wang]]**, Yu-Qing Qiu, Ross K. K. Leung, Xiang-Sun Zhang, Stephen Kwok-Wing Tsui, Luonan Chen.
~~& //BMC Bioinformatics//, 13(Suppl 7):S6 doi:10.1186/1471-2105-13-S7-S6, 2012.
~1) [[ A unified computational model for revealing and predicting subtle subtypes of cancers.]]
~~& Xianwen Ren, Yong Wang, **[[ Jiguang Wang]]** and Xiang-Sun Zhang.
~~& //BMC Bioinformatics//, 13:70 doi:10.1186/1471-2105-13-70, 2012.
~1) [[ Network screening of Goto-Kakizaki rat liver microarray data during diabetic progression.]] ---
~~& Huarong Zhou, Shigeru Saito, Guaniyng Piao, Zhi-Ping Liu, **[[ Jiguang Wang]]**, Katsuhisa Horimoto, Luonan Chen
~~& //BMC Systems Biology//, 5(Suppl 1):S16, 2011.

Revision [5975]

Edited on 2012-07-12 02:52:01 by JiguangWang
~1) Wei Song*, Jiguang Wang*, Ying Yang, Nai-He Jing, Xiang-Sun Zhang, Luonan Chen, Jia-Rui Wu --- **[[ Rewiring drug-activated p53-regulatory network from suppressing to promoting tumorigenesis.]]** --- //Journal of Molecular Cell Biology//, doi:10.1093/jmcb/mjs029 (* co-first authors).--- ---
~1) Wei Song*, Jiguang Wang*, Ying Yang, Nai-He Jing, Xiang-Sun Zhang, Luonan Chen, Jia-Rui Wu --- **[[ Rewiring drug-activated p53-regulatory network from suppressing to promoting tumorigenesis.]]** --- //Journal of Molecular Cell Biology//, doi:10.1093/jmcb/mjs029 (* co-first authors).

Revision [5974]

Edited on 2012-07-12 02:51:36 by JiguangWang
~1) Wei Song*, Jiguang Wang*, Ying Yang, Nai-He Jing, Xiang-Sun Zhang, Luonan Chen, Jia-Rui Wu --- **[[ Rewiring drug-activated p53-regulatory network from suppressing to promoting tumorigenesis.]]** --- //Journal of Molecular Cell Biology//, doi:10.1093/jmcb/mjs029 (* co-first authors).

Revision [5972]

Edited on 2012-07-12 02:43:59 by JiguangWang

No Differences

Revision [5971]

Edited on 2012-07-12 02:43:32 by JiguangWang
~1) 周文峰, 李珍萍, 刘洪伟, **[[ 王吉光]]**.--- [[ 最优公交线路选择问题的数学模型及算法]]. [[ ::PDF download::]]--- //运筹与管理//, 17(5): 80-84, 2008. --- ---
~1) 王元行, 于洪芳, 王华敏, **[[ 王吉光]]**, 王吉强, 王红卫. ---[[ 水锤法洗“干水井”效果好]]. [[ ::PDF download::]]--- //地下水//, 25(1): 44-45, 2003.
~1) **[[ Ji-Guang Wang]]**, Lin Wang, Yu-Qing Qiu, Yong Wang, Xiang-Sun Zhang, ---[[ A Constrained Optimization Method for Community Detection.]] ---//Lecture Notes in Operations Research,// The Third International Symposium, OSB'09 Zhangjiajie, China, September 20-22, 2009 Proceedings. --- ---
~1) Lin Wang, **[[ Ji-Guang Wang]]**, Xiang-Sun Zhang, Luonan Chen. ---[[ Align protein surface structures to identify evolutionally and structurally conserved residues.]] ---//Lecture Notes in Operations Research,// The Third International Symposium, OSB'09 Zhangjiajie, China, September 20-22, 2009 Proceedings. --- ---
~1) Yongcui Wang, **[[ Ji-Guang Wang]]**, Zhi-Xia Yang, Naiyang Deng.---[[ Prediction of Protein-Protein Interaction Based Only on Coding Sequences]] ---//Lecture Notes in Operations Research,// The Third International Symposium, OSB'09 Zhangjiajie, China, September 20-22, 2009 Proceedings. --- ---
~1) Wenjuan Zhang, Wei-Hua Tang, **[[ Ji-Guang Wang]]**, Zhiping Liu, Xing-Ming Zhao, Luonan Chen.---[[ Analysis of Transcriptome of Rice Anther]] ---//Lecture Notes in Operations Research,// The Third International Symposium, OSB'09 Zhangjiajie, China, September 20-22, 2009 Proceedings. --- ---

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