====== Projects List ====== ---- === MOST Grants === ---- == [[http://www.973.gov.cn The National Basic Research Program (973 Program)]] == ~- No. 2006CB503905: //[[http://5039.973program.org/ Mechanism of Type 2 Diabetes Progression]]// (2007.1-2011.12) ~- //[[http://5039.973program.org/SubjectDetail.aspx?SubjectId=10 Function of molecular network of type 2 diabetes progression]]// === NSFC Grants === ---- == Key Research Grant supported by [[http://www.nsfc.gov.cn NSFC]] == ~- No. 10631070: XiangsunZhang, //Bioinformatics and Optimization// (2007.1-2010.12) ~- No. 11131009:XiangsunZhang, //Optimization in Complex Networks and Its Applications in Systems Biology// (2012.1-2016.12) == Research Grant supported by [[http://www.nsfc.gov.cn NSFC]] == ~- No. 70302003: JuliangZhang, //Modeling and Optimization of Supply Chain Design and Management// (2004.1-2006.12) ~- No. 10471141: XiangsunZhang, //Research on Several Difficult Bioinformatics Problems by Using OR Methodologies// (2005.1-2007.12) ~- No. 60503004: LingyunWu, //Research on Models and Algorithms of Haplotype Inference Problem in Bioinformatics// (2006.1-2008.12) ~- No. 10701080: RuishengWang, //Research on theory and algorithms of community detection in complex networks // (2008.1-2010.12) ~- No. 70671100: JuliangZhang, //Joint Decision on Dynamic Pricing and Inventory in Supply Chain// (2008.1-2010.12) ~- No. 10801131: YongWang, //Research on Optimization Models and Algorithms for Reconstructing Gene Regulatory Networks// (2009.1-2011.12) ~- No. 60873205: XiangsunZhang, //Models and Algorithms for Mining Functional Modules and Biological Pathways from Biomolecular Networks// (2009.1-2011.12) ~- No. 60970091: LingyunWu, //Bioinformatics Methods Based on Conditional Random Fields// (2010.1-2012.12) ~- No. 61171007: YongWang,// Bioinformatics Study on Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell// (2012.1-2015.12) ~- No. 91330114: LingyunWu, //Modeling and Algorithms for Dynamic Network Biomarkers Identification// (2014.1-2016.12) == Joint Research Grant supported by [[http://www.nsfc.gov.cn NSFC]] and [[http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/ JSPS]] == ~- No. 10711140116: XiangsunZhang, //Protein Function Annotation and Prediction Based on Three Dimensional Structural and High Throughput Experimental Data// (2007-2009) === CAS Grants === ---- == Knowledge Innovation Program supported by [[http://www.cas.ac.cn CAS]] == ~- Important Direction Project: //Some Important Problems in Bioinformatics// (2005-2008) ~- No. kjcx-yw-s7: //Research on the Applications of Optimization Methods in Information Technology// (2009-2011) == Research Grant supported by [[http://www.cas.ac.cn CAS]] == ~- Student Research Project: //Application and Implement of Mathematics Tools in the Protein Structure Prediction// (2004.9-2005.6) == Research Grant supported by [[http://www.amss.ac.cn AMSS]] == ~- //Bioinformatics Research// (2002-2008) === Other Grants === ---- == Research Grant supported by [[ Beijing Natural Science Foundation]] == ~- No.1092011: ZhenpingLi, //Detecting Functional Modules from Biomolecular Networks// (2009.1-2011.12) == Research Grant supported by [[http://www.chinapostdoctor.org.cn National Postdoctoral Foundation of China]] == ~- No. 20040350428: LingyunWu, //Research on the Algorithm of DNA Sequencing// (2004.9-2005.6) ~- No. 20050380334: YongWang, //E-Government System Management in the Viewpoint of Complex System// (2005.9-2006.6) == Research Project supported by [[http://industry.ccidnet.com/pub/column/c820.html The State Council Informatization Office]] == ~- //Strategic planning of the Electrical Government of China// (2004-2005) == Research Project supported by [[http://www.sic.gov.cn State Information Center]] == ~- //Methodology of Strategic Planning in Electrical Government// (2003-2004)