Opportunities to Join ZHANGroup

Doctoral Candidates in Operations Research/Complex Networks/Bioinformatics/Systems Biology(运筹学/复杂网络/生物信息学/系统生物学博士研究生)

Before joining our group as a doctoral candidate, students must pass the entrance exam of AMSS. If you are interested in joining our group, but have not been accepted to AMSS yet, please contact us and we will be happy to advise you in your preparation process.

More details please refer to:

Postdoctoral Fellow(博士后)

Inquiries regarding opportunities for postdoctoral research in our group are welcome. In general strong backgrounds in the following fields are required. Postdoctoral Fellows in our group are expected to work independently and provide leadership for more junior investigators. They will be responsible for carry a project from inception of an idea to publication.

Although there is flexibility, at present we are specifically seeking individuals with expertise in some of the following research areas:

Address inquiries to our group via e-mail at zxs@amt.ac.cn. AMSS is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.

The detailed informaition for applying this position is available at the following website:

Visiting Researchers / Students (访问学者/学生)

Opportunities for specialized research projects for highly qualified visitors may be available.

Address inquiries to our group via e-mail at zxs@amt.ac.cn
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