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==== Seminar Information ====

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=== Invited Talk ===

~- Invited Speakers: ""<a href="images/files/BioinfoAMSS-20100318.pdf">陈润生/吴家睿/陈洛南</a>""
~- Time: 2010.03.18 08:30
~- Room: 晨兴110

~-**Prof. Christof Schuette** --- Freie Universitaet Berlin 德国柏林自由大学
~- Topic: ""<a href="images/files/BioinfoAMSS-20100319.pdf">Mathematical modelling and computational analysis of protein folding</a>""
~- Time: 2010.03.19 14:00
~- Room: 1013

~-**Prof. Kazuyuki Aihara** --- Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo 日本东京大学
~- Topic: ""<a href="images/files/BioinfoAMSS-20100329.pdf">Dynamical Systems Analysis of Prostate Cancer</a>""
~- Time: 2010.03.29 10:30
~- Room: 1013

~-**郭茂祖教授** --- 哈尔滨工业大学计算机学院
~- Topic: ""<a href="images/files/BioinfoAMSS-20101030.pdf">计算生物学中的学习方法</a>""
~- Time: 2010.10.30 10:00
~- Room: 1013

=== Regular Seminar ===

~-**CRF in Bioinformatics**
~- Time: Tuesday 14:00
~- Room: 1013
~- Moderator: LingyunWu
~- Attendant: All are welcome

~-**Subject-based Reading about Bioinformatics**
~- Time: Saturday 9:00 (2010.1 - 2010.12)
~- Room: 704
~- Moderator: JiguangWang
~- Attendant: All are welcome

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