==== Seminars in 2009 ==== {{include page="SeminarList"}} === Invited Talk === ---- ~-**Prof. Luonan Chen** --- Osaka Sangyo University, Japan ~- Topic: ""Quantitative Simulation for Biomolecular Networks"" ~- Time: 2009.07.22 14:00 ~- Room: 1013 ~-**敖平教授** --- 上海交通大学系统生物医学院 ~- Topic: ""Emerging of Stochastic Dynamical Equalities and Steady State Thermodynamics from Darwinian Dynamics"" ~- Time: 2009.06.23 09:00 ~- Room: 712 === Regular Seminar === ---- ~-**Bioinformatics** ~- Time: Wednesday 14:00 (tentative) ~- Room: 1013 ~- Moderator: LingyunWu ~- Attendant: All are welcome ~-**Subject-based Reading about Bioinformatics** ~- Time: Saturday 9:00 (2009.1 - 2009.12) ~- Room: 704 ~- Moderator: JiguangWang ~- Attendant: All are welcome ---- CategorySeminar