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=== About the Phd Entrance Exam ===

== How to apply? ==

Please refer the [[ Education Department of AMSS]].

== The subjects of the exam? ==

~- Nonlinear Programming
~- Reference: 《Nonlinear Programming: Theory and Algorithhms》{{image class="right" alt="Nonlinear Programming: Theory and Algorithhms" url="images/web/MP_refbook.jpg"}}
~- Authors: Mokhtar S. Bazaraa, Hanif D. Sherali, C. M. Shetty.
~- Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, New York.
~- **{{color c="red" text="Other books on the theory of nonliear programming are also applicable, if this book is not available."}}**
~- Download the MP examination papers
~- {{files download="MP_exam_2002.pdf" text="2002"}} {{files download="MP_exam_2003.pdf" text="2003"}} {{files download="MP_exam_2004.pdf" text="2004"}} {{files download="MP_exam_2005.pdf" text="2005"}} {{files download="MP_exam_2006.pdf" text="2006"}} {{files download="MP_exam_2007.pdf" text="2007"}} {{files download="MP_exam_2008.pdf" text="2008"}}

~- Operations Research
~- Reference: 《运筹学(修订版)》(1990年1月第2版){{image class="right" alt="《运筹学(修订版)》" url="images/web/OR_refbook.gif"}}
~- Authors: 《运筹学》教材编写组
~- Publisher: 清华大学出版社
~- ISBN: 7-302-00490-0
~- **{{color c="red" text="Contents: Chapter 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10"}}**
~- Part 2: 线性规划与目标规划
~- Chapter 1: 线性规划及单纯形法
~- Chapter 2: 对偶理论与灵敏度分析
~- Chapter 3: 运输问题
~- Part 3: 整数规划
~- Chapter 5: 整数规划
~- Part 4: 非线性规划
~- Chapter 6: 无约束问题
~- Chapter 7: 约束极值问题
~- Part 6: 图与网络分析
~- Chapter 10: 图与网络分析
~- Download the OR examination papers
~- {{files download="OR_exam_2002.pdf" text="2002"}} {{files download="OR_exam_2003.pdf" text="2003"}} {{files download="OR_exam_2004.pdf" text="2004"}} {{files download="OR_exam_2005.pdf" text="2005"}} {{files download="OR_exam_2006.pdf" text="2006"}} {{files download="OR_exam_2007.pdf" text="2007"}} {{files download="OR_exam_2008.pdf" text="2008"}}

== Other questions? ==

Please send mail to ""<a href=""></a>""

== All downloads ==

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