{{image class="left" alt="Liyong Pang" title="Liyong Pang" url="images/users/ply-1.jpg"}} == [[Liyong PangLiyong ]] == [[pangliyong0908@yahoo.com.cn]] Phd candidate of [[http://www.seruc.com/ school of Economics, ]][[http://www.ruc.edu.cn/ Renmin University of China]] ====== 中国人民大学 经济学院 数量经济学 博士研究生 School of Economics, Renmin University of China {{colour c="purple" text="Address"}} : No.59, Zhongguancun Street, Haidian, Beijing 100872, China {{colour c="purple" text="Tel"}} : 13811783871 {{colour c="purple" text="Email"}} : pangliyong0908@yahoo.com.cn ::c::---- Binwei Gui was born on 17th, November, 1979 in Zhejiang, China. He received his B.S. Degree and M.S. Degree from Department of Mathematics, Renmin University of China, and now he is a candidate of Ph.D. in Mathematical Economics, School of Economics, Renmin University of China. His future research interests, will be within the areas of Macroeconomics, China economic development, reform of institution, etc. ---- === {{colour c="green" text="Educational Background"}} === ~- B.S., 1998.9 ~ 2002.7, Department of Mathematics, {{colour c="blue" text="Renmin University of China"}}. ~- M.S., 2002.9 ~ 2006.7, Department of Mathematics, {{colour c="blue" text="Renmin University of China"}}. ~- Ph.D., 2005.9 ~ Now, School of Economics, {{colour c="green" text="Renmin University of China"}}. ---- === {{colour c="green" text="Research Areas and Interests"}} === ~- Macroeconomics ~- China economic development ~- Reform of institution ---- === {{colour c="green" text="Hobbies "}}=== ~- Reading ~- Taiji ~- Music and movie ---- === {{colour c="green" text="Personality"}} === ~- Confident --"Subject to the God, exert ourselves" ----