
Hui-Jia Li (李慧嘉)

Ph.D of Academy of Mathematics & Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Full Professor of School of Statistics and Data Science, Nankai University
Address: 216C Room of Fansun building, No.94 Weijin Road, Nankai District, Tianjin 300074, China
Phone: 86-22-23501103
Email: hjli*AT*
Google Scholar:


Royal Statistical Socialty (RSS) Fellow(No. 203024)
CCF Senior Member(No.84486M)
IEEE\ACM Member(No.0743516)
IEEE Computer Society Member(No.s186216)

Editorial Member

7. Frontiers in Physics (2019-), Associate Editor
6. Electronics (2024-), Section Editor
5. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (2019-), Associate Editor
2. PLOS One (2018-2023), Associate Editor

Guest Editor

Research Areas and Interests

Data Mining
Statistical Analysis
Crowd Intelligent and Game Theory
Complex Systems and Complex Networks
Social Computing
Electronic Business

62. Jinlong Ma, Meng Li, Hui-Jia Li*.
Robustness of the International Wheat Trade Network
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 11(1), 14-23, 2024. (corresponding author)
61. Hui-Jia Li*, Haobin Cao, Yuhao Feng, et al.
Optimization of Graph Clustering Inspired by Dynamic Belief Systems
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 36(11), 6773 - 6785, doi: 10.1109/TKDE.2023.3274547, 2024. (corresponding author)
60. Hui-Jia Li, Yuhao Feng, Chengyi Xia, Jie Cao.
Overlapping graph clustering in attributed networks via generalized cluster potential games
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, 18(1), 27: 1-26, 2024. (corresponding author)
59. Hui-Jia Li, Wenze Xu, Jie Cao, et al.
Fast Markov Clustering Algorithm Based on Belief Dynamics
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 53(6), 3716-3725, 2023. (corresponding author)
58. Jinlong Ma, Lingkang Kong, Hui-Jia Li.
An effective edge-adding strategy for enhancing network traffic capacity
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 609(1), 128321, 2023.
57. Jianbo Wang, Zhanwei Du, Hui-Jia Li, Lei Wang, Xiao-Ke Xu, Zhen Wang, Lin Wang, Xiang Li.
Perspective on the spatio-temporal spread of epidemics in metapopulation networks
Europhysics Letters, 144 (2023) 11001, 2023.*This article is selected as Perspective*
56. Shenpeng Song, Yuhao Feng, Wenzhe Xu, Hui-Jia Li*, Zhen Wang
Evolutionary prisoner’s dilemma game on signed networks based on structural balance theory
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 164, 2022, 112706. (corresponding author)
55. Hui-Jia Li*, Shenpeng Song, Wenze Tan, Zhaoci Huang, Xiaoyan Li, Wenzhe Xu, Jie Cao*
Characterizing the fuzzy community structure in link graph via the likelihood optimization
Neurocomputing, 512, 482-493, 2022. (corresponding author)
54. Jinlong Ma, Jiaxin Ma, Hui-Jia Li*
An improved optimal routing strategy on scale-free networks
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 10.1109/TCSII.2022.3199226, 2022. (corresponding author)
53. Jun Hu, Junhua Chen, Peican Zhu, Shuya Hao, Maoze Wang, Hui-Jia Li, Na Liu.
Difference and cluster analysis on the carbon dioxide emissions in China during COVID-19 lockdown via a complex network model
Frontiers in psychology, 6410, 2022.
52. Hui-Jia Li, Zhen Wang, Jie Cao*, et al.
Optimal estimation of low-rank factors via feature level data fusion of multiplex signal systems
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 34(6), 2860-2871, 10.1109/TKDE.2020.3015914, 2022.
51. Wenxuan Wang, Yuhao Feng, Siru Chen, Wenze Xu, Xinjian Zhuo, Hui-Jia Li*, Matjaz Perc*.
Segregation dynamics driven by network leaders
New Journal of Physics, 24, 053007, 2022. (corresponding author)
50. Jun Hu, Yujie Zhang, Peng Wu, Hui-Jia Li.
An analysis of the global fuel-trading market based on the visibility graph approach
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 154, 111613, 2022. (corresponding author)
49. Jinlong Ma, Min Li, Hui-Jia Li*
Traffic dynamics on multilayer networks with different speeds
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 69, 3, 1697-1701, 2022. (corresponding author)
48. Hui-Jia Li, Lin Wang, Zhan Bu, Jie Cao and Yong Shi.
Measuring the network vulnerability based on Markov criticality
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, 16, 2, 1-24, 2021.
47. Hui-Jia Li, Lin Wang, et al.
Editorial: Mathematical Modelling of the Pandemic of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19): Patterns, Dynamics, Prediction, and Control
Frontiers in Physics, 9, 738602. doi: 10.3389/fphy.2021.738602, 2021. (corresponding author)
46. Hui-Jia Li, Wenze Xu, Shenpeng Song, Wenxuan Wang, Matjaz Perc*.
The dynamics of epidemic spreading on signed networks
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals,151, 111294, 2021.
45. Chengyi Xia, Yongping Luo, Li Wang, Hui-Jia Li.
A Fast Community Detection Algorithm Based on Reconstructing Signed Networks
IEEE Systems Journal, 10.1109/JSYST.2021.3065378, 2021.
44. Hong-Hai Qiao, Zheng-Hong Deng, Hui-Jia Li*, Jun Hu, Qun Song, Li Gao.
Research on historical phase division of terrorism: an analysis method by time series complex network
Neurocomputing, 420, 246-265, 2021. (corresponding author)
43. Yuyao Wang, Zhan Bu, Huan Yang, Hui-Jia Li, Jie Cao.
An effective and scalable overlapping community detection approach: Integrating social identity model and game theory
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 390, 125601, 2021.
42. Hui-Jia Li, Lin Wang, Yan Zhang, Matjaz Perc.
Optimization of identifiability for efficient community detection
New Journal of Physics, 22, 063035, 2020.*Selected as Featured Articles*
41. Jun Hu, Hui-Jia Li*, Jie Gao, Zebo Zhou, Chengyi Xia.
Identifying Desirable Function Perturbations in Signaling Pathways through Stochastic Analysis
IEEE Access, 8, 15448-15458, 2020. (corresponding author)
40. Hui-Jia Li, Zhan Bu, Zhen Wang, Jie Cao*.
Dynamical clustering in electronic commerce systems via optimization and leadership expansion
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 16, 8, 5327-5334, 2020.
39. Hui-Jia Li*, Qian Wang, Shenfeng Liu, Jun Hu.
Exploring the trust management mechanism in self-organizing complex network based on game theory
Physica A, 542, 123514, 2020. (corresponding author)
38.Zhan Bu, Hui-Jia Li, Chengcui Zhang, Jie Cao, Aihua Li and Yong Shi.
Graph K-means based on Leader Identification, Dynamic Game and Opinion Dynamics
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 32, 7, 1348-1361, 2020.
37. Guijun Li, Jun Hu,Yanqiu Song,Yingxuan Yang and Hui-Jia Li*
Analysis of the Terrorist Organization Alliance Network based on complex network theory
IEEE Access, 7, 103854 - 103862, 2019. (corresponding author)
36. Zhen Su, Xiaohui Mu, Yang Dai and Hui-Jia Li*.
Defectors for high degree with adaptive interactions
Physica A, 527, 121132, 2019. (corresponding author)
35. Ju Xiang, Yan Zhang, Jian-Ming Li, Hui-Jia Li, and Min Li.
Identifying multi-scale communities in networks by asymptotic surprise
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, (2019) 033403, 2019.
34. Yan-Ni Tang, Ju Xiang, Yuanyuan Gao, Zhi-Zhong Wang, Hui-Jia Li*, et al.
An Effective Algorithm for Optimizing Surprise in Network Community Detection
IEEE Access, 7, 148814-148827, 2019. (corresponding author)
33. Zhan Bu, Yuyao Wang, Hui-Jia Li, Jiuchuan Jiang, Zhiang Wu, Jie Cao.
Link prediction in temporal networks: Integrating survival analysis and game theory
Information Sciences, 498, 41-61, 2019.
32. Guijun Li, Zhidong Liu, Jun Hu, Hui-Jia Li.
Understanding the network optimization based on the Physarum-inspired model
Physics of Life Reviews, 29, 29-31, 2019.
31. Jie Cao, Zhan Bu, Yuyao Wang, Huan Yang, Jiuchuan Jiang and Hui-Jia Li.
Detecting Prosumer-Community Groups in Smart Grids from the Multi-Agent Perspective
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 49(8), 1652-1664, 2019.
30. Sheng Wei, Shuqing N. Teng, Hui-Jia Li, et al.
Hierarchical structure in the world’s largest high-speed rail network
Plos One,14(2): e0211052, 2019. (Co-first author)
29. Hui-Jia Li, Lin Wang*.
Multi-scale asynchronous belief percolation model on multiplex networks
New Journal of Physics, 21, 015005, 2019.
28. Zhan Bu, Hui-Jia Li, Zhen Wang, Guangliang Gao, Jie Cao.
Dynamic Cluster Formation Game for Attributed Graph Clustering
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 49(1), 328-341, 2019. (corresponding author)
27. Shi Chen, Zhi-Zhong Wang, Liang Tang, Yan-Ni Tang, Yuan-Yuan Gao, Hui-Jia Li, Ju Xiang and Yan Zhang
Global vs local modularity for network community detection
Plos One, 13(10):e0205284, 2018.
26. Ke Hu, Jing-Bo Hu, Liang Tang, Ju Xiang, Jin-Long Ma, Yuan-Yuan Gao, Hui-Jia Li, Yan Zhang
Predicting disease-related genes by path structure and community structure in protein-protein networks
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, (2018), 100001, 2018. (corresponding author)
25. Xuelong Li, Marko Jusup, Zhen Wang, Hui-Jia Li, Lei Shi, Boris Podobnik, H. Eugene Stanley, Shlomo Havlin, Stefano Boccaletti.
Punishment diminishes the benefits of network reciprocity in social dilemma experiments
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 115(1), 30–35, 2018. *News in CUFE*
24. Hui-Jia Li, Zhan Bu, Zhen Wang, Jie Cao, et al.
Enhance the performance of network computation by a tunable weighting strategy.
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, 2(3), 214-223, 2018
23. Hui-Jia Li.
Network Science and Dynamical Networks
ICSES Interdisciplinary Transactions on Cloud Computing, IOT, and Big Data, 2(3), 1-3, Sept 2018. (Editorial invitated)
22. Ju Xiang, Hui-Jia Li, Zhan Bu, Zhen Wang, et al.
Critical analysis of (Quasi-)Surprise for community detection in complex networks
Scientific Reports, 8, 14459, 2018.(IF=4.122, corresponding author) *download*
21. Hui-Jia Li, Zhan Bu, Yulong Li, Zhongyuan Zhang, et al.
Evolving the attribute flow for dynamical clustering in signed networks
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 110, 20-27, 2018.
20. Guangliang Gao, Jie Cao, Zhan Bu, Hui-Jia Li, Zhiang Wu.
A generalized game theoretic framework for mining communities in complex networks
Expert Systems With Applications, 96, 450–461, 2018. (corresponding author)
19. Zhan Bu, Jie Cao, Hui-Jia Li, Guangliang Gao, Haicheng Tao.
GLEAM: a graph clustering framework based on potential game optimization for large-scale social networks
Knowledge and Information Systems, 55(3), 741-770, 2018.
18. Ju Xiang, Zhi-Zhong Wang, Hui-Jia Li, Yan Zhang, Fang Li, Li-Ping Dong, Jian-Ming Li.
Community detection based on significance optimization in complex networks
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2017(5): 053213, 2017. (corresponding author)
17. Hui-Jia Li,Qing Cheng, et al.
Uncovering the effective interval of resolution parameter across multiple community optimization measures
International Journal of Modern Physics B, 31(6):1750041, 2017.
16. Ju Xiang, Zhi-Zhong Wang, Hui-Jia Li et al.
Comparing local modularity optimization for detecting communities in networks
International Journal of Modern Physics C, 28(6), 1750084, 2017. (corresponding author)
15. Hui-Jia Li, Ju Xiang,
Explore of the fuzzy community structure integrating the directed line graph and likelihood optimization
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 32(6): 4503-4511, 2017.
14. Zhan Bu, Guangliang Gao, Hui-Jia Li, Jie Cao.
CAMAS: A Cluster-Aware Multiagent System for Attributed Graph Clustering
Information Fusion, 37, 10–21, 2017. (corresponding author)
13. Hui-Jia Li, Qing Cheng, Lin Wang.
Understanding spatial spread of emerging infectious diseases in contemporary populations
Physics of Life Reviews, 19, 95, 2016.
12. Hui-Jia Li, Zhan Bu, Aihua Li, Zhi-Dong Liu, Yong Shi.
Fast and accurate mining the community structure: integrating center locating and membership optimization
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 28(9): 2349-2362, 2016.
11. Zhan Bu, Hui-Jia Li, Jie Cao, Zhiang Wu.
Game Theory based Emotional Evolution Analysis for Chinese Online Reviews
Knowledge-Based Systems, 103: 60-72, 2016.
10. Hui-Jia Li, Huiying Li.
Scalably revealing the dynamics of soft community structure in complex networks
Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 29(4): 1071–1088, 2016.
9. Hui-Jia Li, J J.Daniels.
Social significance of community structure: Statistical view
Physical Review E, 91(1), 012801, 2015.*This article is selected as Kaleidoscope*
8. Hui-Jia Li, Hao Wang, L.Chen.
Measuring robustness of community structure in complex networks
Europhysics Letters, 108(6), 68009, 2015.
7. Hui-Jia Li, Huiying Li, Chuanliang Jia.
A novel dynamics combination model reveals the hidden information of community structure
International Journal of Modern Physics C, 26(4), 1550043, 2015.
6. Hui-Jia Li, Xiang-Sun Zhang.
Analysis of stability of community structure across multiple hierarchical levels
Europhysics Letters, 103(5), 58002, 2013.
5. Hui-Jia Li, Yong Wang, Ling-Yun Wu, Zhi-Ping Liu, Luonan Chen, Xiang-Sun Zhang.
Community structure detection based on potts model and spectral characterization
Europhysics Letters, 97(4), 48005, 2012.
4. Hui-Jia Li, Yong Wang, Ling-Yun Wu, Junhua Zhang, Xiang-Sun Zhang.
Potts model based on a Markov process computation solves the community structure problem effectively
Physical Review E, 86(1), 012801, 2012.
3. Hui-Jia Li, Junhua Zhang, Zhi-Ping Liu, Luonan Chen, Xiang-Sun Zhang.
Identifying overlapping communities in social networks using multi-scale local information expansion
European Physical Journal B, 85(6), 109, 2012.
2. Yinghong Ma, Hui-Jia Li, Xiaodong Zhang.
Weighted tunable clustering in local-world networks with increment behavior
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 11, 11009, 2010.
1. Yinghong Ma, Hui-Jia Li, Xiaodong Zhang.
Strength distribution of novel local-world networks
Physica A, 388(21), 4669, 2009.

12. 王路兵,吴鹏,胡鹏,储诚斌,李慧嘉,李慧嘉. 资源受限下森林火灾应急救援多目标调度优化. 运筹与管理, 32 (1), 60, 2023.
11. 李慧嘉,黄照词,王文璇,夏承遗 新型双模式加权机制及其对网络计算的影响. 物理学报, 2021.
10. 卓新建,王文璇,李慧嘉. 有标记网络中病毒传播机理及动态特性研究. 北京邮电大学学报, 2021.
9. 张梦月,胡军,严冠,李慧嘉. 基于可见性图网络的中国专利申请关注度分析. 计算机科学, 47(8): 189-194, 2020.
8. 宋砚秋,王倩,李慧嘉,李桂君. 基于系统动力学的企业创新投资决策研究. 系统工程理论与实践, 38(12): 3097-3108, 2018.
7. 李慧嘉,严冠,刘志东,李桂君,章祥荪. 基于动态系统的网络社团线性探测算法. 中国科学:数学, 47: 241-256, 2017.
6. 李慧嘉,李爱华,李慧颖. 社团结构迭代快速探测算法. 计算机学报, 40(4): 970-984, 2017.
5. 李慧嘉,贾传亮,佘廉. 基于本体关联网络的非常规突发事件案例快速提示方法. 运筹与管理, 26(12): 68-76, 2017.
4. 李慧嘉,李慧颖,李爱华. 多尺度的社团结构稳定性分析. 计算机学报, 38(2): 301-312, 2015.
3. 李慧嘉. 优化稳定性的多层次社团快速探测算法. 小型微型计算机系统, 36(3): 566-571, 2015.
2. 马英红, 李慧嘉, 张晓东. 赋权网络中的弱化免疫研究. 管理科学学报,13(10): 32-39, 2010.
1. 李慧嘉,马英红. 加权局域网络上的病毒传播行为研究. 计算机工程与应用, 45(35): 80-83, 2009.

Books and Chapters

4. 《商务营销中的数据挖掘与机器学习:概念、方法、案例》,李慧嘉,冯玉豪,徐文哲,曹杰. 北京邮电大学出版社,2023年6月.
3. 《复杂网络与大数据分析》,卜湛、曹杰、李慧嘉. 清华大学出版社,2019年11月.
2. 《突发事件案例提示顿悟理论与方法》,贾传亮、佘廉、李慧嘉、陈俊霖. 科学出版社,2017年10月.
1. Mathematical modelling of the pandemic of 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19)Hui-Jia Li, Lin Wang, Zhen Wang et al. Frontiers Publishing Group,May 2020.

Funds and Projects

7. O2O商务模式下多源异构大数据的挖掘、融合与应用研究. 国家自然科学面上基金 (NSFC Grants 71871233), 主持人.
6. 面向O2O智能商务的大数据挖掘、融合与应用研究. 北京市自然科学面上基金 (Beijing Natural Science Foundation Grants 9182015), 主持人.
5. 社会网络中社团结构内部隐藏模式和动态演化机理研究. 国家自然科学青年基金 (NSFC Grants 71401194), 主持人.
4. 复杂网络中的优化问题及其在系统生物学中的应用. 国家自然科学重点基金 (NSFC Grants 11131009), 主要参与人.
3. 面向应急决策支持的非常规突发事件案例推理的理论与方法. 国家自然科学重大项目基金 (NSFC Grants 91324203), 主要参与人.
2. 社交网络视角下的金融市场走势预测及公众情绪演化分析. 中央财经大学“青年英才”培育支持计划(Grants QYP1603), 主持人.
1. 社会网络中社团结构动态稳定性的研究分析. 中央财经大学“121”青年博士发展基金(Grants QBJ1410), 主持人.


16. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 杰出审稿人,2023
13. Elsevier 优秀审稿人(Outstanding Reviewers for 7 journals)
12. 《物理学报》优秀审稿人,2022
11. 首届中央财经大学“龙马学者”青年教授(2018)
10. 中央财经大学管理科学与工程学院优秀科研奖(2018)
9. 中央财经大学骋望奖励基金一流学术成果奖(2018)
8. 中央财经大学涌金奖励基金教师学术奖(2017)
7. 中央财经大学管理科学与工程学院优秀教学奖(2017)
6. 中央财经大学优秀教职工(2017)
5. 中央财经大学管理科学与工程学院优秀班主任奖(2016)
4. 中央财经大学鸿基世业奖励基金优秀教师奖(2015)
3. 中央财经大学管理科学与工程学院优秀科研奖(2015)
2. 中央财经大学优秀教职工(2015)
1. 中国科学院数学与系统科学学院 院长奖学金一等奖(2013)

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