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@@======Welcome to Xiang-Sun ZHANG's Research Group ======@@

@@Operations Research & Bioinformatics Group at [[|Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science]], [[|CAS]]@@
>>=== Opportunities ===
~- **""<a href="ZHANGroupJoinUs#postdoc">招聘博士后研究人员</a>""**
~- **""<a href="ZHANGroupJoinUs#postdoc">Postdoctoral Fellow</a>""**
~- [[PhdExam|博士研究生入学考试参考书目与历年试题]]

=== Resources===
~- **[[PubBioinformatics2015|Latest Publications]]** {{image alt="New!" title="New!" url="images/new.gif"}}
~- **[[|Lectures: Introduction to Operations Research]]**
~- [[PubBioinformatics2009|New Books on Systems Biology]]
~- [[BioinformaticsGlossary|Bioinformatics Glossary]]
~- [[|Bioinformatics Resources]]
~- [[|LNOR Series: ISORA & OSB Proceedings]]

=== Links ===
~- [[|Asia-Pacific Operations Research Center (APORC)]]
~- [[|Center of Bioninformatics, AMSS, CAS]]
~- [[|Operations Research Society of China (ORSC)]]
~- [[|Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science (AMSS)]]
~- [[|Chinese TeX Community (CTEX)]]
~- [[LinksPage|More Links ...]]
>>=== News ===
~- [[News|More News ...]]

=== Conferences ===
~- **[[|ISB 2017, Shenzhen, China, August 18-21, 2017]]** {{image alt="New!" title="New!" url="images/new.gif"}}

=== ZHANGroup ===
~- [[ZHANGroupIntroduction|Introduction]] | [[ZHANGroupPhotos|Photos]] | **[[ZHANGroupJoinUs|Join Us]]**
~- [[ZHANGroupMembers|Members]] | [[ZHANGroupVisitors|Visitors]] | [[ZHANGroupStudents|Students]] | [[ZHANGroupAlumni|Alumni]]
~- [[|Resources]]| [[ZHANGroupProjects|Projects]] | [[ZHANGroupPublications|Publications]] | **[[SeminarInfo|Seminars]]**

=== Researches ===
~- **[[ResearchBioinformatics|Bioinformatics]]**
~- [[ResearchOperationsResearch|Operations Research]]
~- [[ResearchOptimization|Optimization]]
~- [[ResearchNeuralNetworks|Neural Networks]]
~- [[ResearchEGovernment|E-Government]]
~- [[ResearchSupplyChain|Logistics & Supply Chain Management]]
~- [[ResearchDynamicSystem|Dynamic System]]
::c::@@[ [[ZHANGroupIntroduction|About]] | [[ZHANGroupContactUs|Contact Us]] | [[ZHANGroupJoinUs|Join Us]] | [[|ChenLab]] | [[|BioinfoAMSS]] | [[|APORC]] ]
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