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==== Links of Bioinformatics ====

=== Institutes ===
~- [[ Beijing Genomics Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences]]
~- [[ Shanghai Institute for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences]]
~- [[ Bioinformatics Lab of Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences]]
~- [[ Centre of BioInformatics, Peking University]]
~- [[ Institute of Bioinformatics, Tsinghua University]]
~- [[ Center of BioInfomatics, Tianjin University]]

=== Resource Collections ===
~- [[ Programs and World Wide Web servers useful in comparative modeling]]
~- [[ Bioinformatics Journals Links]]

=== Database ===
~- [[ The RCSB Protein Data Bank (PDB)]]
~- [[ NCBI]]

=== Software ===
== Protein Structure Alignment ==
~- [[ Dali]] [[ DaliLite]]
~- [[ CE]]
~- [[ FATCAT]]
~- [[ K2]]
~- [[ FAST]]
~- [[ OPAAS]]

== Haplotype Phasing ==
~- [[ PHASE]]
~- [[ SNPHAP]]
~- [[ PL-EM]]
~- [[ HAPLOREC]]
~- [[ Benchmark of Phasing]]

=== Books ===
~- [[ Molecular Biology Web Book]]
~- [[ 生物信息学札记]]

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